Chapter Eight - Bugging

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To her disappointment, Buggy hasn't encountered anybody even remotely suspicious enough to plant a bug in their pockets. It's her favorite part, too. Frankly, she wished she's found them back when she was still in junior high. It was at the time where the school body's favorite trend was sharing secrets in tight groups of people, whether friends, partners-in-crimes, or simply those who passed each other in hallways every day. 

     Biting back a sigh, Buggy enters the same cafe from yesterday. The barista who served Buggy last time is here as well, writing a customer's order down. If Buggy had remembered her name (Lois? Lilly?), she might have greeted her before she sat down. 

     Now that she's currently doing nothing, she regrets throwing the newspaper away. At least there were several articles to keep her occupied. Besides, Buggy could have made the paper into hats and airplanes after she was done. 

     She waits until at least ten minutes have passed before giving in to the caffeine. The aroma has been getting more and more delicious-smelling as more people ordered their drinks and foods to keep themselves from completely freezing to the core. 

     The girl was replaced with a guy, and Buggy has to admit she prefers the formal. The guy was getting a little too personal, asking her where she's from, where she attends, even asking her where 'Buggy' came from when she told him what to write on her cup. "It's my childhood nickname, back when my favorite thing to do was annoy people," she says with a tight smile. 

     He takes a little too long to get the joke. While he's laughing, the girl comes out of a room and grabs the orders of the more recent paying customers. Buggy discreetly watches as she hands the coffees to a couple of guys who before looked to be in a serious, quiet discussion. They were annoyed by the barista's presence, more than a typical pair of friends in a busy cafe would have been. Maybe it was out of Buggy's boredom, but they looked as if bugging them would have been worth it. 

     "Here you go!" A cup is shoved towards Buggy. The guy smiles in a flirting manner, his rainbow band swinging loosely around his wrist. Buggy gets the chance to see the 'LOVE WINS' engraved on the rubber before she grabs the cup. 

     Great. She's passed off as a boy a little too much, now that she caught the eye of someone who's now probably wondering how big her package is. Instead of brushing it off, she points at the girl at the table. "Do you guys give your customers orders at their tables as well?" she asks.

     He seems to take his eyes off of her long enough to notice the other barista. "Um, no, we don't really do that." He looks puzzled as he tries to get her attention. When he fails, he lets out a "Hmph." Buggy takes this as her cue to go back to her table the long way around. 

     Her plan was to bump into the nearest guy sitting, apologize profusely, and slip a bug in a pocket. Buggy's pulled off this trick so many times, it's more than flawless. What really happened was Buggy miscalculated where she put her feet. 

     The girl gasps as she lurches into the other guy, and leaps away when Buggy's cup spills on the floor. Buggy nearly slips herself, but the guy she's targeted grabs her by the arm. His grip's strong, which gives him an advantage as he lifts her up. 

     Buggy quickly (and yes, discreetly; being discreet's the crucial part in situations like this) reaches for a device with her free hand as she looks as if she's wiping some sweat off her hand. "So sorry, sir," she says, keeping her 'guy' voice intact. Now really embarrassed, Buggy holds herself up by firmly grasping at the edge of the table. Luckily, there's some kind of groove under the top, so she can easily place the tiny black bug there. 

     "I didn't see where I was going," she explains to all three of the people who are now staring at her. The guys' stares are of annoyance. The other guy sports a beard that matches the yellow hair on his head, while the target seriously looks like Dean from Supernaturals (Buggy may have been a little curious about the show). The girl, for some reason, looks disappointed. 

     The annoyance disappears from the guy who helped her. "Accidents happen," he says, grinning amusingly. "Sorry about your drink, though."

     Feeling awkward now, Buggy gets her arm back and apologizes again. Instead of going back to the table, she goes out of the building, standing between the window and door. She grabs her phone, clicks an app, and in minutes activates the bug. Buggy presses the phone to her ear, expecting at least being able to hear a few things.

     "Let me get the mop," the girl's voice garbles. 

     "Thank you," Dean says, sounding calm. 

     A pause occurs before Blond Beard speaks up. "I told you we shouldn't have gone to some goddamned place like this!" His voice is gravelly, like he's spent a decade yelling whenever he opened his mouth. "If we tried harder on finding a conference room we can reserve, this wouldn't have happened."

     "Please, keep your voice down," Dean says. "I chose this place because of how busy it is. If you throw a tantrum right now, we'd be causing a bigger scene than the one seconds ago. Trust me, we don't need to have our plans to be overheard."

     Blond Beard sighs in resignation. "You're right." A loud slurping sound he makes when drinking his coffee causes Buggy to jerk the phone away from her ear. "Alright, what do you think we should do next, now that we've let the police know we moved to another state?"

     Dean laughs, more out of amusement than maniacal, what Buggy imagined it to be. "We'll make sure someone from the agency gets over here in this city just in time to have Malik's body be discovered in the Space Needle."

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