Chapter Nine - In Which Supernatural Fans Blame Buggy for Losing Dean

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Out of all the things Dean could have said, Buggy wasn't expecting that. Wasn't their first priority money? she asks herself. You don't just kill someone before you get the money you demanded.

     Blond Beard clears his throat. "Don't you think we should wait until the agency gives us the money?" he asks.

     Read my mind!

     "Of course. Here's what I'm thinking right now: we send another letter specifically requesting that the CEO of that damn agency comes here to do a trade. She's going to demand that we have proof that the model's still alive, in which we respond with yet another picture. And as soon as she pays the ransom, we'll tell her where we put Malik. She'll get to the top floor of the building, where she'll find Malik hanging from the ceiling."

     Blond Beard snorts. "Are we gonna use a pretty pink bow to decorate the body?" he mocks. 

     Dean growls in irritation. "Do you have a better idea?"

     "Well, no, but--"

     "Everything going alright here?" The barista's come back, most likely with the mop. A swishing sound comes after, which tells Buggy she's cleaning the mess Buggy herself inadvertently made. After what's probably the longest time she's ever had to go through when eavesdropping, the barista finally walks away.

     "What were you going to say?" Dean asks, wasting no time to keep the conversation going. 

     "I was going to say no, I don't have a better idea, but there has to be one. Your plan is better suited in a kids' cartoon." Blond Beard doesn't sound like he's making fun of Dean's idea; more like challenging him to think of something else. 

     Before Buggy gets a chance to hear more of the discussion, a coffee cup is held by hand in front of her. Confused, Buggy turns her head to the side, where the barista (Laina! That's it! Buggy thinks while noticing the name tag) is giving her a nervous smile.

     "Sorry about your drink," Laina says. "I noticed you were outside, so I thought you'd appreciate something warm."

     Buggy tentatively reaches for the coffee, while at the same time exiting the app. Unfortunately, it results in the bug to be deactivated, but it's better than being caught in the act. "Thanks," she says. She's forgotten to lower her voice, but Laina doesn't seem to notice. 

     Laina stares at Buggy before saying slowly, "I think I've seen you before."

     Not saying anything, Buggy takes a quick sip, resulting in burning her tongue. "Um, besides when I bumped into you minutes earlier?" she asks, the lowered voice back in place. 

     Laina laughs. "Yes, besides that," she answers. "I'd like to remember where I've seen you, but I don't know. It's kind of a little foggy."

     Buggy hesitates before saying, "Um, well, thanks for the coffee."

     The barista smiles before going back inside the cafe. Buggy hovers her finger over the app, hoping to listen in on the conversation again. She then thinks it's better if she doesn't right now. 

     Blond Beard and Dean get up from their table with their now-empty cups in their hands. Quickly, Buggy walks down the street, phone put away and coffee being held. They continue talking, but they're switched subjects. From what little she can overhear, the words "model", "ransom", and "ideas" are replaced with "football", "tonight" and "TV".

     Now that they've left the cafe, her plan is to follow them and see where they might go. If she's lucky, they might lead her to where Malik is. Then again, from past mistakes, not a lot of people would keep their kidnapped victims in where they're currently staying. It's either too much to handle keeping an eye on them at night, or they just don't want them silently judging while they're choosing what they want for breakfast.

      Buggy has to admit to herself that if she ever gets kidnapped in a very slim chance, she'll be sending mental rants towards those who'd rather have unsweetened Cheerios instead of the box of Fruit Loops that was placed right in front of them. 

     Grateful about the coffee Laina gave her earlier, Buggy puts her phone away and puts both of her hands on the warm cup. She only takes sips when she stops, and the tailing doesn't let her have the stops. Where ever these guys are going, they sure are hurrying to get there. 

     Fortunately the street they're on isn't crowded too much. Plenty of people to blend Buggy into the background, not so many that she can lose track of them easily. However, a little boy rams into her, causing her to nearly spill her coffee on him. "Sorry, mister!" he squeaks. 

     Buggy shrugs. "Accidents happen, dude," she says. That's what guys say to kids, right? she asks in her head. She immediately thinks of her friend, causing her to correct herself. That's what laid back and casual guys say to kids, right?

     The boy smiles, showing his missing bottom teeth. Buggy takes it as a good sign. She watches him out of the corner of her eye as he runs up to someone else, most likely his parent. She takes a moment to realize what she was doing before the ramming. "Crap!"

     By the time Buggy gets to the end of the street she's on, there's no sight of the men. And they have three directions to choose from, all of which look busier than where she is. "Double crap!"

     I guess I'll have to find them out of sheer luck again, huh?  Due to her disappointment, Buggy hasn't realized the cup's now cold, causing her fingers to feel like they're on their way to frostbite.

     "Are you lost, young man?" Buggy turns her head to a man in his forties, maybe fifties. He looks at her curiously, waiting for an answer.

     She shakes her head. "I'll be fine," she says. "Just looking for someone."

     He looks around. "Well, I wish you luck on that," is the last thing he says to her before continuing his travelling.

     "That makes two of us," Buggy says to no one. 

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