Chapter Eleven - No One Needs To Get Caught Here

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The radio in the hotel room discussed about the kidnapping-related incident long enough to give away the name of the hospital the injured is recovering at. The reason Buggy has bothered to listen for that long is because she can't find her nurse uniform. She knows she's brought it with her, but the absence of said uniform tells her otherwise.

     After about twenty minutes of the fruitless search, Buggy gives up and hopes the hospital can provide something for her to use. She gets out her phone and types in the hospital's name on the address bar. She quickly finds the directions to get there and leaves the room. 

     The hospital was busy, as Buggy expects. There's always going to be sick people, no matter what time of the day it is. And as she hoped, a lot of them would be too busy to notice her. Or at least her actions. 

     She casually walks down a hall, keeping an eye out for anything. Buggy finds a door with the words, "Supply Closet" spray-painted on it. She tentatively reaches out to push the handle down, and is surprised to find out it's unlocked. Maybe someone was distracted, she guesses as she enters the cramped room.

     In one cabinet, the drugs, needles, and syringes are locked up behind small glass doors. The fancy names of the medicine are proudly displayed, and said fancy names are the usual jargon Buggy doesn't understand. In another . . . 

     Buggy opens the wooden doors (similar to the glass cabinet) and reveals spare uniforms. Smiling to herself, she grabs some green nurse scrubs and pulls them over her own clothes. She leaves the hat hiding in the cabinet and closes the doors. Buggy arranges her hair out and leaves when she's satisfied.

     If she remembers correctly, the name of the person wounded is Peptin. Buggy didn't catch the first name, but the surname is odd enough that she can find the right patient without worry. And no one's going to catch her unguarded, right?

     Buggy wishes the answer was yes.

     "Excuse me nurse, are you the new one?" Slowly turning around, Buggy smiles nervously at the man wearing a white coat. "Ah, you are! Hello, I'm the head of this hospital, you remember? We emailed about your position here?"

     Since Buggy's not going to be here long, and the doctor didn't say anything about phone calls and such, she responds with her normal voice, "Yeah, I remember you. Nice to finally meet you."

     He seems pleased. "And same to you," he says. "Now, I would have gotten you started on treating a couple of patients on your own, but my prescription handler called in sick today. Would you be alright giving the patients their pills instead?"

     Seems easy enough, Buggy thinks. "Sure."

     "Great!" The doctor leads her to a rolling tray against a wall. The top is filled with little plastic cups of a couple of assorted pills. Some contain pink pills, others are yellow and blue, and there are more. Buggy doesn't have the time to look at each and every one of them when the doctor says, "These are for the patients in the Left Wing."

     Buggy grabs the tray. "Where would that be?" she asks. He points at a hallway. "Okay, thanks." She walks past him while wheeling the tray away. The waiting room, she swears, is bigger than when Buggy first came here. 

     The first patient she has to give the medication to is a boy no older than her. He's intensely focused on his video game in his phone to pay attention to Buggy as she's finding the name he muttered, and the prescription. Abilify and Haldol are the only ones listed in there. I take my previous thought back, Buggy says in her head. I don't know what they look like.

     Buggy pretends to know what she's doing as she pulls out the little trays under the top one. She finds a rows of little boxes with names she can't pronounce near the bottom. It's now that the boy realizes what she's doing. 

     "What's taking you so long?" he jeers. "Can't find the right drugs for me?"

     Ignoring him, Buggy goes through the boxes until she finds the ones with the medicine he needs. Abilify is a six-sided odd little shape and pinkish, while Haldol is perfectly round and more orange. Looking at the top tray again, she takes a bit to find the cup with those together. Smiling to herself in triumph, Buggy picks it up and hands it over to the boy.

     "Here's your medicine!" she says, sounding cheerful. "Would you like me to pour some water for you to wash them down?"

     The boy shakes his head. "My friend Ian can do it for me," he says.

     Buggy's confused. "Ian?" she asks.

     Nodding, he points towards the curtain. Buggy doesn't see anyone, but nods as if she did. "Oh, well I hope you take the meds," she says awkwardly as she moves on to another patient.

     Slowly, she gives all the patients in need of their medicine. Most of the time Buggy has needed to find them in the little boxes, but somehow no one questions her knowledge in health. Wheeling the now-empty tray back to where she found it, Buggy wipes her sweaty hands on the pants. 

     At least I have that out of the way, she thinks.

     Buggy goes to the receptionist's desk and waits for said receptionist to look up from the computer. "Yes?" she says, dragging her word as she turns her head up. "How may I help you?"

     Buggy folds her hands together. "I'm looking for a patient by the last name of Peptin?" She ends the statement with a question, and reddens slightly. 

     However, the receptionist types on the computer. "Yes. George Peptin," she says. "He's in a private room. The number's 404."

     "Thank you." Buggy takes a couple of steps away before she realizes something. "Um, where would that be?"

     The receptionist raises an eyebrow. 

     "I just transferred here, and I haven't been around the place yet," Buggy lies smoothly.

     "Oh. That's going to be located down the hall to your right, and the room's going to be on the left."

     Thanking her again, Buggy follows the directions. She keeps her head down to avoid eye contact with anyone passing her. Finding the door with the number on it, Buggy pauses in front of it, considering if now's the best time to disturb this George Peptin. While she's thinking, she sees something move fast. 

     Jerking her head, Buggy looks around frantically. She doesn't see anything out of the ordinary. She looks to her left, and sees a nurse walking away fast, wearing a white nurse dress. Wait. Buggy pauses. Have I seen that--?

     The door opens, and a guy eyes Buggy. "Do you need to talk to him right now?" he asks her.

     "Um--" She nods.

     "Alright." The man holds the door out for her. "I'll leave you two alone."

     "Thanks." Buggy smiles at him, and he smiles back. Buggy enters the room, the nurse off her mind, waiting for the door to close behind her in time for her to question Peptin about what happened.

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