Chapter Twenty-Seven - Share and Tell

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Laina hangs up after spending a good half hour on the phone with her person. While she was talking, Buggy was sprawled out on the couch playing a game on her phone. Laina moves Buggy's feet off the couch and proceeds to sit next to her.

     Buggy shuts off the game before looking at Laina. "What did he say?" she asks.

     Bringing her knees to her chest, the girl answers, "As soon as he can hack into the reports in the news station, he'll let us know what he finds. But for now, we have to wait." She picks up a book laying face down on the coffee table and starts rifling through the pages.

     "Why can't we do something now?" Buggy says.

     "It's not something you'd want to interfere with," Laina says, trailing a finger down the page she's on. "If you really need to do something, I'm in the mood for coffee."

     Sending a mock glare in her direction, Buggy gets off the couch and heads to the kitchen. The coffeepot's empty, forcing Buggy to look for the damn coffee grounds. After opening and closing several cupboards, she finds a can of espresso and pours some in its little section of the coffee machine. She adds some water, and presses the on button. 

     While the coffee's brewing, Buggy gets out a couple of mugs, spoons, and sugar. She takes the pot out halfway through and pours in each mug. She puts it back to finish the brewing and stirs sugar in both the mugs. 

     "Thanks," Laina says as Buggy hands her one. She takes a sip, and makes a face. "How much sugar did you put in?" she asks.

     "I dunno. A lot." Buggy sits down and sips. "You only said you wanted coffee, so you get what you get."

     "And yet I want to throw a fit," Laina mutters. Buggy can't help but smile at the comment. "Have you ever realize we don't know much about each other?" She takes another mouthful of her sugary coffee.

     Buggy looks at her odd. "Why would that matter?" she asks.

     Laina swings her arm over the couch's back. "We've been working together for a while," she says. "I think that merits a little 'get to know each other' time."

     Raising her hands up in surrender, Buggy says, "Fine. What do you want to know about me?"

     Smiling by the fact she's getting her way, the girl props herself up in preparation. "Do you have siblings?" she questions.

     "Yeah, too many of them."

     "That would be . . . ?"

     "Five," Buggy answers, not saying anything else on that matter. "Now it's your turn."

     "I have a sister," Laina says. "She doesn't know what I do."

     Buggy scoffs. "Neither does my family," she says. "So what?"

     "We have the type of sisterly bond where we tell each other everything," Laina explains. "And I mean, everything." She briefly pauses. "You know what I'm talking about, don't you?"

     Practically chugging down her own drink, Buggy shakes her head. "When I lived with my siblings our thing was, you keep your nose out of someone else's business or else that someone finds a way to frame you and get you grounded."

     "The world would be a much better place if sibling rivalry doesn't exist," Laina comments. "What about your secret life?"

     Buggy furrows her eyebrows. "I'm not following," she says.

     "How did you manage to create a secret identity?"

     "Oh." It feels like it's been a long time since Buggy took up the Girl Master gig, even though the details of the first time she started are sharp. "I started buying baskets of clothes at thrift shops, and I guess I wanted to do something with them."

     Laina doesn't look like she believes Buggy. "It started with buying clothes?"

     "Alright, how would you alter your appearance?" Buggy challenges. The girl closes her mouth, and Buggy keeps going, "But yeah. First clothes, and then wigs. I liked the idea of not looking like myself once in a while."

     Confusion is etched on Laina's face. "Fighting crime never crossed your mind?"

     Buggy scoffs. "You kidding me? The first time was an accident," she explains.

     From the corners of Laina's mouth twitching, she can tell the girl's trying not to laugh. She quickly covers it up with taking a drink. By the time Laina can keep a straight face, all the coffee is gone. "As in, 'oops I didn't mean to tie a bad guy up before he could assault someone, but I should hand him over to the police and see what they can do anyway'?" she asks.

     Even Buggy could see the humor in her previous statement. "That would be an awesome start, but no," she answers. "He was assaulting someone, you got that right. But I was trying out my guy appearance at the time, and I stumbled into the scene. 

     "He told me to get lost, and I made a threat in the deepest voice I could do, which at the time was very low. Apparently that scared him, and he turned around and ran into an off-duty cop walking by the street. I didn't hang around to see the rest, but I heard the next morning about the biggest drug king in New York getting arrested and put in custody."

     Getting up to pour more coffee, Laina says from the kitchen, "If your mom knew, she'd give you a gold star for the good work you did."

     "If my mom knew, she'd make me go to my relatives and demand them to pay her back from all the times she bailed them out years ago," Buggy responds. "Trust me, it's best if she's kept in the dark.

     "So what about you?" she asks. "How did you do it without your sister knowing?"

     A loud exhale. "Simple, I waited until I could move out," the girl says. "But seriously, I was offered a job almost immediately when I moved in my first apartment. I guess it pays living around the supervisors for most of your life."

     Buggy stares at Laina, who chooses to either ignore it or really didn't see it. "How were you in their radar?" she asks. "There are probably a lot of better candidates out there."

     "Yeah, thanks for the confidence boost, Buggy," Laina laughs. "I needed that." She comes in the living room and sets a coffee cup on the table. She stands beside it instead of sitting, like Buggy expects.

     "You know what I mean."

     "Sadly." The girls shrugs. "I guess the big amount of time I spent on fitness helped them determine if I'd be a good employee. In my field, you always need to be prepared to run. And if you're not running often, then you'd better keep in top shape."

     Buggy nods a couple times in understanding, and then suddenly stops, remembering the first day of Seattle at the market. "Were you the girl I was chasing?" she asks aloud.

     Laina hasn't expected the question. "I don't know what you're talking about," she answers. Her darting eyes say otherwise. 

     "The point is, I was discovered, interviewed, and given a contract that I would work with these certain people until I'm no longer needed. During this time, however, I have to do whatever they tell me to do." She pauses for effect. "Such as capturing people they're keeping tabs on."

     In other words, Buggy thinks, the guy from the museum.

     Laina's phone rings. She picks it up and answers with, "Yeah, what you got?" All Buggy can hear from the conversation are "uh-huh"s, "alright"s, and finally a simple, "Great, thanks for the info."

     "What did your guy say?" Buggy asks as Laina gets the tablet.

     "Our model's starring in the news in less than ten minutes," Laina says. "And from what my guy can say, it's going to be interesting."

Girl Master of Disguises (Lesbian Story, GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now