Chapter Ten - At Least It's Kind of a Vacation

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For some unknown reason, Buggy decides not to keep herself warm and pneumonia-free, but rather finds her way to the Space Needle. Based on where she was to start with and without a map to use as a guide, it takes her far longer than she would like. Her phone said the time was forty-five minutes after her "little" walk as soon as she arrived at the place. 

     She enters through the doors, and now seems to be inside a gift shop that extends to the whole first floor. The heater's blasting at the highest, causing her to sweat. She appreciates the heater, but Buggy kind of wishes any employee would turn it down a notch or two. 

     "Hello, welcome to the Space Needle!" A cheerful voice causes Buggy to turn around. A plump woman smiles wide. "I hope you enjoy your visit."

     "Um, yeah," Buggy says quietly. She's heard about this place, but not by much. She finds an elevator, but before she can get on, the woman asks, "Do you have a timed ticket, dear?"

     "A what?"

     "If you want to go up, you'll have to buy a timed ticket," the woman explains. "It'll take you all the way to the top."

     "Oh." Buggy thinks for a minute. "Where can I buy one?"

     Within minutes, she finds the person selling the tickets. Shelling out some money, she pays for one of them. She then enters the elevator and waits for it to go up. After barely a minute, Buggy is surprised to find herself at the top floor. She expected it to be longer, not that she's complaining about it.

     In front of her are tables full of people enjoying their dishes. There are a couple of children around, but that's all. There are more people out the room, looking at Seattle as a whole. And Buggy's pretty sure they're moving slowly around. 

     A person she assumes to be some kind of a host comes up to her. "Hello! Are you having a meal here?" he asks.

     Buggy shakes her head. "Just here to . . . look at the view I suppose." He nods in understanding and lets her go out on the balcony. She nudges a couple of people away so she can move closer to the long rail. As soon as her hand hits it, she quickly pulls it back with a hiss.

     A woman chuckles beside her. "Careful, it gets cold in winter," she cautions teasingly.

     Thanks for the delayed warning, lady, Buggy thinks. She instead keeps her hands in her pockets to prevent herself from touching the rail again and looks out. The view would have been used to her advantage, if Buggy knows where things are. Sadly, it looks like the children's toy where a train and the tracks surround a city impossibly smaller than the two. 

     Buggy reminds herself to check for any train stations. Got to have a back-up transportation plan in case something bad happens.

     "You seem to be cold." It's the same woman. "Didn't you bring a jacket?" 

     "Forgot it," Buggy says quickly.

     The woman tsks. "Well, if you need one, you can always ask the couple of us. Especially me." She smiles warmly, causing Buggy to wonder if she's attempting to flirt with her.

     "I'll keep that in mind, miss." Buggy hopes this ends the little conversation they have going on. When the woman leans against the rail (her arms are thickly covered with a jacket), facing Buggy, she knows she'll have to be patient. 

     "Say, I don't recognize that accent of yours. You're not from around here, are you?" 

     Without facing her, Buggy answers, "I'm from New York."

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