Chapter Twenty-Nine - Sweet Dreams Are Made Of Puzzles

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Someone's giggling behind Buggy. She turns around to see a familiar blonde girl. The girl reaches out for Buggy's arm and holds it close to her, holding the hand between her dainty ones. After planting a kiss on her knuckles, the girl pulls Buggy closer to her. 

     Another giggle escapes her lips, the lips Buggy wants to feel on her own. As if reading her mind, the girl leans over. Instead of aiming for the mouth, she kisses Buggy's cheek. The girl makes a little path towards the mouth, which Buggy's waiting patiently for. Why be ungrateful by the fact she's not kissing me directly when I'm lucky she's giving me kisses at all? Buggy thinks.  

     It feels like eternity before the girl decides to give in. Remembering how people act in movies when moments like this arrive, Buggy tilts her head and narrowly misses crashing the girl's nose with hers. One kiss lasts a second, another a second more, and the kisses keep coming. In due time, Buggy starts smiling in between kisses.   

     Almost as soon as it's started, it's over. The girl puts her head on Buggy's shoulder, clearly enjoying her company. Buggy wraps her arm around the girl as she leans in and whispers in Buggy's ear, "You can hide from the criminals, the police, your family, everyone. But you can't hide from me." 

     Buggy tilts her head towards the girl. "What am I hiding exactly?" she asks, whispering as well. 

     The girl giggles again. "Why are you asking me when you already know the answer?" 

     Scrunching her eyebrows, Buggy thinks her question over. What answer? What is the girl implying?

     The girl makes a humming sound. "Buggy, you should take me out on a date," she suggests.

     Buggy reaches for her hand. Holding it close to her, she murmurs, "If that's what you want."

     She smiles. "Just do me a favor."

     "What is it?"

     "Be yourself."

     Buggy's about to answer when she feels something shaking. "Do you feel that?" she asks the girl.

     "Feel what?" she questions.

     The shaking gets more violent by the second. Buggy's starting to hyperventilate, her chest feeling like a cement block is on it. She shakily lets go of the girl, and before she can locate where it's coming from--   

     Buggy's eyes fly open. She sees a hand moving her shoulder back and forth. "Laina?" she asks, dazed from the dream. "What do you want?"

     "I need to get up, and you're in my way," Laina gripes. "You're such a heavy sleeper, did you know that?" 

     Buggy's about to respond, when Laina switches tactics, and puts her hands on Buggy's upper back. She pushes Buggy farther and farther from the couch. "Okay, geez! Uncle! Mercy! Stop!" Buggy uses the table to keep herself from falling to the floor. She takes a foot out and puts it firm on the floor. She slides out of the couch and, with her foot on the floor and her hands on stable furniture, awkwardly stands herself up.

     "Are you always this crabby in the mornings?" she asks as Laina gets up faster than a rocket. The girl practically shoves her out of her way, going to the kitchen for coffee. Not liking the fact Laina's ignoring her, Buggy adds, "That's a yes, then."

     She can hear the girl grumble something, but she can't hear over the coffee brewing after Laina's taken the last portion just now. Buggy's assuming the fresh pot's for her. Or for Laina, if she's planning to go on a caffeine overdose. (In Buggy's opinion, that's definitely something Laina needs.)

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