Chapter Thirty-Three - Finding Malik (Sort Of)

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The knocks on the door are loud enough for Buggy to hear some loud cursing inside the room. A couple of bumps and thumps follow, resulting in even more cursing. Buggy's close to dodging to the side when Laina opens the door. 

     "Who's there in the name of Beelzebub?" are the first (print-friendly) words of Laina's. 

     "Wow, you are just not a morning person," Buggy notes, unsure of whether to laugh and risk getting hurt or staying quiet and saving her life in the process. "Not to mention you stole that line from Macbeth to suit your annoyance."

     Laina rubs her eyes. "I had to perform in that play a couple years ago." She wraps her clawed-like fingers around the cup Buggy's holding out. She holds it close to her as if it'd jump out of her grasp if it were given the chance. "I was the porter."

     "Of course you were." Buggy opens the bag and pulls out a bagel. "They only had the sesame-seed kind," she explains, when Laina starts giving her the evil eye. Well, more so than a little bit ago.

     The girl grudgingly takes the food and chomps on it. She looks at Buggy with a certain look. "You're not wearing a disguise, are you?" she asks.

     "You really can't tell if I naturally look like this?" Buggy questions. She looks down at her plain yellow T-Shirt and casual jeans.

     "I haven't had my coffee yet," Laina grumps.

     "Which is why I got you some," Buggy interjects. Laina makes a noise of annoyance as she takes another bite. While her partner's chewing, Buggy asks, "Anything new?"

     Swallowing, Laina answers, "If by 'anything new', you mean Blond Beard and Dean making a commotion outside my door last night, then yes." She rips the lid off of her drink and chugs it down, making Buggy wonder how she can do that without screaming in hot pain.

     "What do you mean by commotion?" she wonders. "Did they get into fights, or--"

     Her partner shakes her head, but then reconsiders it. "Kind of. They were arguing, and someone got involved and told them to shut up." She cringes. "That didn't go over well, from the sound of it."

     "Could you understand what they were arguing about?" Buggy asks.

     Laina lowers her voice when she says, "They were obviously talking about Malik. Kept calling him 'the prize', though. I guess they don't want to be overheard and caught so quickly." She drinks the rest of the coffee before throwing it across the room and missing the trash can. "Damn it. Give me a sec."

     As she goes over to pick it up, Buggy hears a couple of doors open. She turns around to see who they are in time for Laina to yank her into the room and slamming the door behind them. "We need to talk about your yanking issue," Buggy says, rubbing her arm.

     "And we need to talk about your tendency to look like a damsel in distress," Laina retorts. "Is that talk ever going to happen? No."

     Buggy huffs. "Why did you go and do that anyway?" Laina puts a finger on her lips. "No, seriously--"

     "Shut up," Laina hisses. 

     The girl presses her ear against the door, and gestures Buggy to come and listen as well. Buggy complies, but looks out of the eye hole as well. She sees Blond Beard and Dean walk down the hall, speaking in hushed tones. "That damn model" could be heard as clear as a bell, and was used several times in their conversation.

     They disappear from Buggy's limited view, causing her to try to open the door to see better. 'Try' is an appropriate way to say it, as Laina blocks her with a look of disbelief. "Are you hoping we'd get caught?" she asks in a whisper.

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