Chapter Twenty-Eight - Space Needle

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Laina's pulled up two more tabs on her tablet, one for the news station in Washington, the other national-wide. "He told me to expect to see the news on all three of these," she tells Buggy. "If not just New York."

     "Should I go make some popcorn?" Buggy asks, in a half-teasing tone.

     "Don't be funny," Laina says in sternness. "I don't have any popcorn." Buggy's not sure if Laina's joking right back, but she lets it go when the video opens and a male reporter starts the announcement.

     "In relation to the missing model, the agency has once again received a note from the kidnappers," he states in a formal voice. He neatens the few pages in front of him before setting them down again. "Instead of a taunt, like before, the note contains directions for the CEO of the agency, a Miss Bailey Jones, to go from New York, New York, to Seattle, Washington, where we presume Malik is being held captive. 

     He picks up the papers again, shuffles a paper, and keeps them in his hands. "Aside from the directions, they have mentioned, and I quote--" The reporter adjusts his glasses, "--'We have not harmed Malik any further, and if you follow our directions we won't have to'."

     The reporter seems disturbed enough to have his hands shaking slightly, but not enough to keep a grim look. "Well, isn't that a little frightful," he comments with quirked lips. "We don't have any other details to share at the moment, other than the fact that Miss Jones is expected by these kidnappers soon."

     Before the reporter can say anything else on the subject, Laina pauses the video, goes to the Seattle tab, and clicks on the video there. Another man appears, saying, "Recently in New York, New York, there was a kidnapped individual. The people involved have fled from the state and traveled across borders all the way to Seattle. And very recently, a modeling agency, where the victim is supposed to be at the time he was abducted, was delivered a note from these kidnappers demanding that the CEO comes right here in this--"

     This time Laina doesn't bother letting him finish before she stops the video, and goes to the last tab. Buggy stops her there. "You know, I think the national-wide news will have the same news as the two we looked at," she says. "I have enough evidence to believe Blond Beard and Dean sent the CEO the note demanding her to fly here."

     Laina looks as if she wants to argue, but at the last second decides not to. "Fine." She shuts off the tablet. "If we end up missing something important, you're taking full responsibility."

     "Agreed," Buggy says quickly before asking, "How are the New York reporters getting the notes? I understand that the police department would let announcements be made, but they'd still keep at least some details to themselves. In the first one, it didn't sound like any details were spared."

     "Well, sorry to be bashing reporters right now," Laina starts, "but sometimes they'll do anything to get the hot news and get paid a lot."

     "Did Blond Beard and Dean ever mention the police?" Buggy asks.

     Laina raises an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

     "Oh come on, Laina. In every kidnapping movie I've seen, someone always gets a note from the criminal, and at the end of the note there'd be something along the lines of, 'Don't bring the police into this'." 

     By now Laina gets the gist of what Buggy's getting at. "And you're doubting Blond Beard and Dean wrote that overly used line in any of their notes," she says. She then jests, "Maybe that's the detail the police are keeping to themselves."

     "You should be a stand-up comedian, what with how original that statement was," Buggy deadpans. Laina mock glares at her. "What? Not your thing?"

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