Chapter Thirty-Six - No Paparazzi (This Includes Lady Gaga)

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All the people that were in the Space Needle had to step on broken glass, the result of the cops' way in when the doors were locked. They're still locked, as no one who has the keys to them have arrived yet.

     The two criminals were hauled out of the landmark, grimacing at the tightness of the cuffs, while they were being led by two police officers. The third is following Buggy and Malik, and a couple of paramedics rush to them. Buggy brushes one of them off, saying, "I'm fine." 

     The model, however, needs to go to the hospital. The paramedic that went to his side claims to have seen some signs of infection in some of the wounds. Buggy walks away from the scene, watching Malik get into an ambulance and Blond Beard and Dean into separate cop cars. Normally, she'd feel alright with how the mission turned out, but the only thing on her mind is: Laina's going to kill me for getting myself held hostage.

     She looks around, noticing that several news vans have pulled up to the area. One of them has its door slide open, and a female reporter comes out with a cameraman. Almost as soon as her heel hits the ground, she puts the microphone to her mouth and starts talking while staring directly at the camera. Buggy's too far away to hear her but assumes she'll be included in the news.

     "Buggy!" She turns around to see a somewhat relieved, but mostly angry, Laina. "You had me worried about you! And I never had to do that the whole time we worked on this case!" Laina says. "There's a good reason I trusted you to help me solve it," she adds, sharply poking Buggy on her chest.

     "I'm fine, I'm fine," Buggy grumbles as the girl brushes her down for anything unsafe and searches for any injury she could have. 

     "Well, I'm not!" Laina says. "You scared me half to fucking death."

     Buggy looks at her partner, feeling confused. "Um, I'm sorry for being held hostage?" she offers. She has no idea how to calm Laina down.

     Apparently, that's the wrong answer. "Now's not the time to make your jokes," the girl responds. "Come here."

     She wraps her arm around Buggy's waist and pulls her closer. Laina puts her hand on the back of Buggy's neck and leans forward. "Not ag--" Buggy's cut off as Laina firmly kisses her. And since Laina's got Buggy tightly close to her, there's no way for Buggy to escape. Even if there was, there's some feeling in Buggy's chest (aside from Laina) that makes her put her arms around Laina. It's a possibility that the girl's just really happy about seeing Buggy again that this is her first reaction. And Buggy's already gotten her mad, so she doubts--

     Screw the excuses. Buggy likes the moment a little too much. 

     Laina breaks away for a brief second and then kisses her again, this time slowly and with more thought into it. The hand on Buggy's neck is moved to her shoulder, giving Buggy some more room to kiss back.

     "You really had me worried," Laina repeats, whispering. "I've lost a lot of co-agents from similar situations." She places her cheek against Buggy's.

     "I'm not a co-agent," Buggy points out.

     "Good. If you die, I will bring you back to life just to kill you again."

     Buggy laughs out loud. "I'll keep that in mind," she promises.

     The reporter gets a couple steps closer to the girls, but she doesn't pay them any attention. "Malik Higgins is on his way to the hospital, and Miss Jones, the CEO of the modeling agency, will like to have a few words," she says. Miss Jones, a stout young woman, turns around towards the reporter. The reporter herself extends the microphone to Miss Jones and asks, "How do you feel now that Malik is safe?"

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