Chapter Thirty-Five - I Feel Like Flynn Rider Now

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Someone's moaning. That's something Buggy can definitely recognize when she stirs herself awake. Please tell me I haven't been hauled off to someone's bedroom, she pleads in her mind. 

     To her satisfaction, Buggy opens an eye and sees the tarps. To her disappointment that arrives a moment later, that means someone's knocked her unconscious and left her there. She's so glad Laina wasn't there to witness the embarrassment.

     Laina. Where the hell is she?

     "Good morning, Sleeping Beauty," a deep voice calls from behind. Sitting up somewhat, Buggy slowly turns her head towards a blurred Dean. She winces at the splitting headache she receives from the action. "Or should I say, good afternoon?"

     "Yeah, yeah," Buggy mumbles. "Who the hell got me?"

     Dean chuckles. "That would be my partner. He hit you with a frying pan."

     She stares at him. "So, I'm Sleeping Beauty who got hit in the face by Rapunzel and her weapon of choice?" she asks. Buggy groans when the headache increases. "Talk about a crossover right there."

     If this were a normal encounter, Dean would probably roll his eyes. Actually, Buggy can't see him all that well, so he's most likely rolling them now. "I gotta say, you were a little tough to keep track of," he says. "But at least we knew you were following us. That's not something that happens every day."

     "If you're going to talk about things that don't happen every day," Buggy starts, "let's begin with you kidnapping someone who flew all the way from Jamaica to be a New York model. Now that, I didn't expect to deal with."

     Buggy shifts her (slowly clearing) eyesight to somewhere by a wall. A crumpled figure seems to be tied up with a lot of rope. The figure moans, and the gears start to shift in Buggy's mind. Speak of the devil.

     "He's pretty easy to control," Dean says when he notices Buggy staring. "All Buck and I did was tell him we'd ruin his pretty face if he didn't cooperate."

     Ignoring Blond Beard's legal name, Buggy tries to switch positions. She glances down to find some rope was spared from Malik so she herself wouldn't be able to move around. "What did you do to Laina?" she demands.

     "Is that her name?" Buggy imagines the criminal sneering. "She was tougher than you. Put up a hell of a fight before she got knocked out and hauled outside." Dean adds when her eyes widen at the news, "That's right. You don't have Laina to come and save you from the big, bad wolf."

     "Alright, we're done with the fairy tale references," Buggy tells him. "What exactly were your plans going to be?"

     "You mean you don't know?" Dean asks, both his eyebrows raised. "I thought you're smarter than this. After all, we found your computer bug." He reaches into his pocket and pulls out the tiny black device to show Buggy. "If I remember correctly, this was under the table Buck and I were sitting at the time we were talking about our plan right here in the Space Needle."

     Damn him and his memory, Buggy thinks, still mentally kicking herself for not getting the bug first. 

     Dean keeps talking, however. "Buck and I were able to find someone to do some fancy work on your bug," he says. She perks up. "That's right. It took us a couple of days, but we were able to pull out a recording."

     "You did?" Buggy wonders.

     "Yeah, we heard every word on it. And, well, when Buck gets back, I think you'll recognize your hat he's currently wearing. He got it out of your hotel room to see if the DNA there would match the fingerprints we found on this device." 

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