Chapter Sixteen - Totally Out of An Action Movie

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The scene, to put it nicely, is bloody. A muscular guy is strapped to a chair, barely moving as the other muscular guy is relentlessly beating him with his fists. Every time the victim gets a blow, he'd move his head back before hanging it down again. People around them are cheering for the abuser. Laina and Buggy, however, are mortified.

     "What kind of crazy shit are the kidnappers into?" Laina asks, closing her mouth after noticing it was hanging.

     "You're questioning the ones who kidnapped a model and have plans to kill him?" Buggy responds. Someone sounds the buzzer, and the cheering becomes deafening. She watches as a man with a buzz cut enters the area with a mike in his hand.

     "The five minutes are up!" he announces. "Who brought this man into the ring? Someone, come up here so I can see you!" A couple of people, both Asian and slender men, step into the so-called 'ring'. It's like an F-graded amateur movie to Buggy; it's so bad, but she can't help see what else has been fucked up.

     The announcer seems a little surprised. "You two paid for this?" he asks. The men nod. "Not uncommon, that's alright." He points at the man in the chair. "Are you two one hundred percent satisfied with the results Dylan the Demolisher has created?"

     "Dylan the Demolisher?" Laina whispers to Buggy. "What kind of a name is that?"

     While the one near the girls seem hesitant, the other states, "Yes, we are very satisfied." He sounds foreign; Buggy could barely understand him.

     The announcer smiles. "That is the one thing I like to hear around here," he says. He whistles, turns his head to a group of who Buggy assumes are his assistants, and nods for them to take the trapped man away. The Asian men hand the announcer some cash they were holding onto the entire time. 

     "Should I be--" Buggy's interrupted by Laina putting her finger to her lips. The announcer seems to be preparing for some speech he's going to make.

     "Ladies and gents here, this is the only club you will ever be able to find such entertainment as this!" he booms, causing some people to holler with excitement. "You won't be able to find any other place where you can pay to have your revenge on those you despise the most, and you definitely won't be able to find any other place to watch a gruesome show starring a low-life scum who thinks he's better than us." 

     The announcer pauses for dramatic effect. He then asks the crowd, "Who here has the money, and their enemy, to bring to the ring and provide more entertainment for both this crowd and yourself?!" Many people shout out their answers. Buggy discreetly covers her ears to block out the deafening noise. 

     Suddenly, to her surprise, the crowd lowers the volume to a murmur. The only voices loud enough for everyone to hear is someone screaming into a rag, and another yelling at the first, "Shut up, you fucking bastard!"

     A path is formed across Laina and Buggy, and it reveals a furious woman in her early thirties and wearing rumpled scrubs, hauling behind her a slightly older man in a suit. His once-clean white tie is stained with blood and messily shoved into his mouth. His hands are tied behind his back. 

     The woman throws the man to the floor. The man is wriggling about, trying to get up and run out of here. She responds by kicking him in the legs. He immediately stays still after the kick. She's pretty strong for hauling someone much bigger than her, Buggy thinks. 

     Jabbing her finger towards Dylan the Demolisher, she snarls, "I want him nearly dead when you're done. I'll even fucking pay upfront if that's what it takes." The woman shoves her hands into her pockets and shows Dylan some wadded bills. "Here's proof! Got one-twenty in 'ere."

     Dylan ponders over the offer. He silently takes the woman's money and hands it over to the announcer. He gestures to the assistants to help the man get in the chair. To the woman, he gives her a cold smile. "Don't worry, Em," he says casually. "I'll make sure your boss keeps his temper down at work."

     Buggy looks at Laina wide-eyed. "Her boss?" she mouths. 

     The boss grunts as he's being set in the chair. He tries to fight off the assistants, but Em holds the legs down firmly, letting the others put the straps over him. When the boss is tightly secured, Em gets the honor to remove the bloodied tie from his mouth. If Buggy was on her side, that would have been a big mistake. 

     "Do you realize what this would cost you?!" the boss all but screams. "Yesterday was nothing compared to what I'm planning on telling the--"

     SMACK! Dylan the Demolisher silences the boss with a blow to the nose. Happy that her show is starting, Em takes a step back and pulls out a phone to record. If the whole thing wasn't feeling life-threatening, Buggy would have rolled her eyes at her. 

     The boss opens his mouth to scream, either in fury or in pain, but Dylan doesn't let him, his other fist connecting the jaw this time. Starting a violent rhythm, the crowd starts getting louder at their approval. Before long, Dylan focuses less on the face and more to the chest, the stomach. The boss spurts out blood from his mouth as the violence increases. 

     Buggy feels nauseous, while Laina looks as if she's getting close to throwing up. The barista whispers, "We have to do something!"

     "I know," Buggy whispers back. "But I don't think we can take so many people with just the two of us." Her hand, however, clenches into a tight fist as she forces herself to watch Dylan mercilessly beat the boss. 

     It seems like forever passed when the buzzer marks the time limit. Parts of the crowd groans, the show ending too soon when it started getting good. Em stops the recording and, with a smirk on her face, puts her phone away. She takes out a red-dyed leather wallet and takes out a wad of cash. Buggy guesses there's about three hundred. 

     "Before you ask," Em says, interrupting the announcer before he even gets a word out. "I am happy with my results." She shoves the wad into Dylan the Demolisher's chest, and he again passes the cash to the announcer. 

     "Well, there you have it!" the announcer calls out. "This young lady is also content with the current state of her boss! If that doesn't give you guys the courage to get your revenge, then I don't know what will!" The boss, now looking like hell, groans as Em helps the assistants take him away. Buggy watches them go through the crowd and disappear.

     She hears something next to her. Buggy turns her head to find Laina looking bad. "We need to get out of here," she rasps. 

     "Okay," Buggy responds. She grabs Laina by the waist and they stumble out of the front. They don't stop walking until they're both outside and halfway up the alley.

     Laina holds up a hand. "Wait!" she says. 

     "What is it?" Buggy asks. 

     "I need some, some," is all the barista can get out before she bends to the side and hurls onto the trash bags sitting by the dumpster. 

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