Chapter Twenty-Two - Another Break-in, Another Note

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If Buggy had consulted a psychic beforehand (no matter how skeptic she is about them), she would have known she and Laina wouldn't find Blond Bead and Dean in the club. The worst part was they took at least an hour looking for the damn guys, half of which Buggy was constantly grabbed at by horny guys.

     Not that what Laina did was better.

     "Hey, sexy," one more guy says in what he thinks is a growly, sexy tone. He gets a hold of Buggy's arm, which by now she's sure she'll get a bruise or something in the next couple of days. "Why don't you come here and spend some time with me?"

     Buggy, once again, has to restrain herself from beating him into pulp. She smiles. "I'm married," she lies. "But thanks."

     The grin gets wider. "Not a problem. I've been with married women."

     "I'm on that time of month," she tries again.

     "Then it's your lucky that's my kind of--"

     "You know what? Fuck off. I was nice the first couple of times," she snaps, yanking her arm away from the guy. He stares at her in shock before he mutters something Buggy can't hear. She's pretty sure it's something close to 'psychotic bitch'.

     By now she hopes she wouldn't have to ask him if he knows who she's looking for, and where she can find them.

     "Any luck?" Without her noticing, Laina materializes next to Buggy. "Please say 'yes', because I'm not having such luck," she says.

     Buggy shakes her head. "Not much on my end either," she responds. "I'd ask around, but all I'd get are questions of how much I cost for a night."

     Her partner (that sounds weird in her head now) snorts. "You can tell them it's PMS time."

     "I did. He wasn't even fazed."

     "I'm going to ignore what you just said." A drunk girl that can pass off as Laina's bimbo twin crashes into her, sloshing her drink everywhere. Laina quickly gets the girl off of her, or at least tries to. In Buggy's personal experience, intoxicated females tend to cling when they hold on to someone.

     After a couple of botched attempts, Laina succeeds in having the girl grip onto the guy beside her. Laina's shoulders slump as she breathes steadily now. "As I was going to say," she starts, "since you seem to be attracting the wrong crowd, I can ask around instead and see what kind of answers I can get."

     Buggy puts up her hands. "I give you permission to smack anyone around if they get too far," she says.

     Laina rolls her eyes. "I doubt I'll need to 'smack' anyone here." She disappears into the crowd, leaving Buggy to defend herself. Since she can't do much of the real work, Buggy decides to patiently wait at the bar. 

     She finds a tall bar stool and orders a water from the bartender. He gives her a cautious look as he places a glass on a napkin, but he doesn't say anything to her. Buggy does the same thing and simply chugs the water down. Man, when was the last time she re-hydrated herself?

     Not even five minutes later, she hears some commotion around the DJ stand, while said DJ doesn't look bothered by it. Confused by what's just happened, Buggy deserts the chair and empty glass, leaving the bartender to yell out, "You didn't pay!"

     A couple of people are watching the scene, but the rest keep on dancing. Buggy gets closer in time to see a flying fist. She ducks, and scowls at the fist's owner, which is . . . Laina. 

     "I asked you a fucking question," she tells the guy she was trying to aim. "That wasn't an implication that you should just grope me!"

     "Laina!" Buggy calls over the volume. She grabs Laina by the arm and drags her away. The guy's look trails after them, but stops when Buggy glares at him. 

Girl Master of Disguises (Lesbian Story, GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now