Chapter Seventeen - The Next Step

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Buggy opens her bag, picks something out of it, and hands Laina one of the bottles of water she bought at a drugstore a couple of buildings away. "Here, drink this," she orders. "You need to have some fluids in you." 

     "No shit," Laina says hoarsely, greedily downing the water. She's barely gotten the cap back on when she throws up again. Buggy resists covering her nose from the disgusting smell. Not knowing what to do, Buggy starts rubbing Laina on her back.

     The barista, now finished with the recent upchuck, slowly looks at Buggy to give her an odd look. "Do you seriously believe that's going to work on me?" she asks. 

     Shrugging, Buggy responds, "I don't know how to deal with this. Things like this never happens on my missions."

     "Me either, to be honest," Laina says. "I've seen worse than that. I don't know why I reacted that way." She adjusts her position from kneeling to sitting cross-legged. She lets out a slight moan to show her discomfort. Opening the bottle again, Laina replenishes herself with water. 

     Looking down the alley, Buggy wonders if anyone's seen them go out. Well, they obviously did; the girls kept bumping into those in their path. But did they bother to go out and follow them to see what they're doing? "How long do you want to stay here?" she asks Laina. 

     "In the hurry to get Malik, eh?" 

     For a second, Buggy's forgotten about the model; the image of the screaming boss and the appeased Em has practically filled up her memory drive. "If someone comes out here and sees us, I doubt they'd think we go to clubs like that for fun," she answers. "I mean, look at you. We were there for what, fifteen minutes? And you're not taking it well."

     The barista snorts. "Smooth," she says, taking another drink.

     "You know what I mean. They can quickly figure out we're the odd ones out of the crowd."

     Laina blows some air. Tucking a strand in her ear, she says, "I guess we can always come back later."

     Buggy's confused. "Isn't this visit all we need to know what's going on?" she asks. 

     "We've definitely figured out what the kidnappers--"

     "Can we just call them Blond Beard and Dean?" Buggy interrupts.

     Laina looks as if she can't tell if her partner's joking. "Okay fine, Blond Beard and Dean," she resigns. "Odd names, but whatever. So we know what they like to do in their free time. They're probably planning to hire someone there to help them carry out their plan. But." Laina stops, taps her chest a couple of times, and burps loudly. 

     "You okay?" Buggy questions.

     The girl nods. "Yeah. False alarm, thank God. But, what we don't know is why they're going there all the time."

     "I thought you already answered that question. You said they're planning to hire someone."

     "I did say that. But one of the kid--fine, Blond Beard, happy now?--looks like he has connections to hit-men. If they really were looking for a hit-man, they wouldn't be scoping around the club when they can solve it with just a phone call." 

     Laina empties the bottle, and her partner hands her another one. She shakes her head. Putting the rejected bottle in the plastic bag, Buggy holds out an arm in suggestion. Laina grabs the arm, and the girls hoist each other up. "You good?" Buggy asks.

     The barista points at her mouth. "I need to clean up," she says. "Does the store you got the water from also carry mouthwash and tissues?"

     A door slams open. Buggy doesn't know if it's the club or someone's house, but she's not going to wait around and see. "We can check," she says. "Come on."

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