Chapter Thirty-Two - Got the Plans Laid Out for Them

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The Loose Leaf Motel isn't what Buggy expect to look like. Instead of walls being filled with paint peeling off and the receptionist looking shady as hell . . . well, the walls actually have the peeling paint, but it's not too bad; it's barely showing the wood underneath. 

     The person behind the check-in counter is dressed more sophisticated and smiling warmly, so she seems to know where she is, as opposed to the one at where Buggy was staying before her room got broken into. As soon as she saw the girls, she opened a huge guestbook, to make up for the lack of a computer.

     "Hello, ladies!" the receptionist chirps. "How may I help you?" She prepares herself with a click of a ballpoint pen.

     Buggy's still looking around the place, and she doesn't realize Laina wants her to do the talking until Laina taps her foot. "Honey, why don't you make the reservation this time?" she suggests.

     "Um." Resisting the urge to sigh in annoyance, Buggy takes a step closer to the desk. "We're in Seattle for a couple days, and we're wondering about what's offered here," she tells the woman. "Is there something we can look at or . . . ?"

     "Certainly! I have some pamphlets in the back. Here, let me get one of them for you." The receptionist gets up and walks to the back room while putting the pen behind her ear. Buggy turns her head to see Laina stop smiling and hurrying to get behind the desk.

     "Alright, the nineteenth," the girl murmurs. She turns a couple pages and trails a finger down on each page. Laina stops midway through the second page she's turned to. "There are five entries listed on the date. Out of the five, three of them have two names listed."

     Buggy cocks her head so she can look at the names. Sadly, the cursive is illegible. "Can you understand what any of them is written?" she asks. She jerks up towards the room when she suddenly hears a loud thump. 

     "I can't read the names," Laina answers, "but lucky for me, she wrote down the gender initials of every person listed." 

     "What's that supposed to mean?"

     The girl flips the book around quickly and quietly so Buggy can read it. Beside each name either has 'B' or 'G' written beside it. "Oh" escapes from Buggy's lips. Two out of the three Laina's mentioned have both the 'B' and 'G'. The third, however, has 'B' for both the names.

     "What room is this one?" Buggy asks, pointing at the third.

     Laina looks at it. "503," she says.

     "Great, hopefully we can--"

     Her partner quickly puts the book back down, frantically flips it to the current page, and practically runs to Buggy's side just as the woman comes back out of the room. She gives Buggy an apologetic smile.

     "I'm sorry, but I couldn't find any pamphlets to give to you," the receptionist says. "I think the last couple have been given to some other guests."

     "That's alright," Laina says just as Buggy's opened her mouth. "You know what? We're really not in the mood to compare this nice place to other motels. Can we check in right now?"

     The receptionist looks more than happy to put their names in the next blank entry. After giving her fake names, and Laina handing over her credit card, the girls are given a key. "Your room will be 510," the woman chirps. "Do you have your bags with you?"

     Crap, Buggy thinks. Why didn't we think to bring something here and at least look like we're new in this place? She looks at Laina with a look in her eyes, prompting Laina to answer, "We're hoping they'll get here in the next flight."

     To their surprise, the receptionist believes the story. "Well, I hope you'll get them in time."  

     Buggy leaves with a nod farewell to her while Laina enters a hallway on the left of the desk. As soon as they're far away enough to speak, Laina says, "I have a feeling this key is a duplicate for all the room keys in this motel."

     "Now that I would bet on," is Buggy's only response.

     They don't say anything for the next ten minutes, looking for the damn room number. It takes them the fourth time around the place to find the room. "Found you," Laina calls out, putting the key in the lock and twisting it open. "Here's the room. We need to muss it up, though."

     "Not a problem." As soon as Buggy steps in, she pulls the blankets out of their places and tries her best to make it look like someone's slept here. Or participated a kung fu tournament in their sleep. Buggy's not too picky about the reasoning.

     Laina waits for Buggy to come back out, in which she closes the door. They were able to find room 503 during their search, so they didn't have too much trouble going there now. "How much are you putting in?" the girl asks, holding the key by the lock. 


     "The money," Laina responds.

     Buggy doesn't bother to think too much. "Fifty," she says.

     Whistling low, Laina asks, "You're optimistic, aren't you?" She finally puts the key in 503's lock and twists it around. The key barely budges. "Damn it."

     Laina looks up to see Buggy's extended her hand. "That'll be fifty bucks," she says, smiling widely.

     "This is the last time we do something like this," Laina mutters as she grabs her wallet. She plunks a fifty-dollar bill on Buggy's hand. "Forget this ever happened."

     "Somehow, I don't think I will."

     Blond Beard and Dean's room is similar to the room Buggy and Laina have. (And neither men are in there, thank God.) It's chaotic, and things are strewn about, from clothes to weapons to books. Buggy has no idea as to why there'd be books; maybe someone's written 'Plotting Murder For Dummies'. 

     She wouldn't be surprised if that exists.

     The bed's covered with papers, the kind a high school kid would use. Every line is filled with ink and drawings. Laina picks up a couple. "Wow," she says, skimming through them. "Every little thing is recorded. I've seen J.K. Rowling's outline for her Harry Potter books, and trust me when I say she's not as detail-oriented as these guys."

     Buggy picks up one for a look. The page in her hand is what must be the first one in the plan, from who to take (there's a disturbingly long list of names) to where the victim should be found dead (that's a longer list). Out of the two lists, Malik's name and the Space Needle have been circled. Twice.

     "What do you have?" Laina asks Buggy. Without a word, Buggy gives her the paper and picks up another. She's barely reading the words when Laina says, "Damn. What the hell do they do when they're not plotting things like this?"

     "I don't know." Buggy takes a lot more this time, taking her time to go through each one. The fifth looks to be promising, but not useful as to when Blond Beard and Dean plans to kill Malik. The ninth is nothing but rambling. The eleventh, however--"Take a look at this."

     Laina rips it out of Buggy's grasp. Silence ensues as she reads. "Cool, now we know when we can put in our time for some kick-ass action." The girl puts all the papers back to where she and Buggy found them. "So, they're doing this tomorrow night, and at seven o'clock," she says. Looking at Buggy, Laina adds, "You ready for one more night of suspense?" 

     "No," Buggy admits.

     "That's good to hear," Laina replies, not hearing Buggy correctly. "Wanna stay here for the night?"

     "Are you insane? It's like I'm leading myself to the slaughterhouse!" Buggy says. 

     Laina rolls her eyes. "They're not going to know we've been here. I think we'll be fine sleeping in the same hallway as them."

     Putting up her hands, Buggy says, "You can sleep here if you want to. My things are at your place, not to mention how big it is compared to the room."

     "Fine." Laina crosses her arms. "You're bringing coffee tomorrow morning."

Girl Master of Disguises (Lesbian Story, GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now