Chapter Fifteen - Investigating

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"I don't feel comfortable talking about this in public," Buggy whispers to Laina. It's been almost twenty-four hours since their last meeting (twelve spent on catching up with well-deserved sleep), and they're currently sitting at a table in a bakery nearby Pike Place, going over their notes. 

     Buggy's costumed up as a stereotypical Goth girl, full with black lipstick, long black wig, and black clothes with skulls all over. (She even managed to find black laces with flaming little skulls for the boots.) Laina was more concerned with the atypical outfit than the spiked collar around Buggy's neck. "What if someone overhears us?"

     Laina tsks. "You're a little naive here," she says. She lifts up a chocolate-filled croissant. "Do you know how good these pastries are? If I wasn't part of this mission, I would be paying full attention to this treat." She takes a huge bite off of it and moans at the taste to prove a point.

     "That's kind of creepy when you do that," Buggy points out. "And fine, suppose everyone around us is too busy with their food. I still rather be talking about this quietly." 

     The barista rolls her eyes. "Alright," she practically whispers. "Is this volume making you happy?"

     "No, but I can deal with that," Buggy admits. She rips the paper out of Laina's hand and looks over what they've talked about so far. For the dollar amount, they've settled for an even two hundred after a big debate over it. They've also chosen someone they can use to get in the underground club. That leads to . . . 

     "How are we going to convince them we know--" Buggy stops to read her sentence. "--Marvis Tinser? What is he, Russian?"

     "No, just someone with an unfortunate name." Laina turns her head to read the names on the paper. "Out of all the people running the club, I only know him personally."

     Raising an eyebrow, Buggy asks, "Personally? How much are you talking about?"

     "It was a face-to-face thing. He'll know me if he sees me." Laina keeps reading while Buggy has her eyes on her. After an uncomfortable time, the girl says, "We weren't involved in any way, if that makes you feel better."

     Buggy shifts her weight in her seat, scooting away from the other girl. "Kind of. Gave me disturbing mental images, however."

     Laina makes an exasperated noise. "Are you always this honest?" 

     "Well, yeah. I'm not an actor."

     "You spend your free time dressed up as someone else and kicking a bad guy's ass. I'm pretty sure that counts." Buggy sticks her tongue out at her, and Laina bites her lip to restrain herself from laughing. "You ready to go do some investigation?" she asks instead.

     Looking down at the plate now full of crumbs in front of the barista, Buggy nods. "Got the money?"

     The girl pats her jacket pocket, where she earlier put it. Buggy takes out her own wallet and lays a ten on the table to pay for both the food and the waiter who brought Laina's order. They both leave the bakery, which is now crowded, and they head towards the club. 

     Laina mentioned it would take place in the very back room of an abandoned building, and considered the club members lucky to never have been caught by the police, what with how many people outside knowing what's going on there. She's talking and walking with ease, while Buggy's trying not to fall on the ice that appeared an hour before. The girl seems to be annoyed; she grabs Buggy's hand and keeps her from slipping on any more ice.

     "You're like my nephew," she mutters.

     "Well excuse me!" Buggy exclaims. 

     "You're excused." Laina laughs at the glare sent in her way. "We should hurry."

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