Chapter Thirteen - This Is Not A Barista

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Laina waits for Buggy to turn around and face her. She's wearing a dazzling smile. "I thought you'd recognize me," she says. Almost immediately she becomes serious. "Did you learn anything about the case?"

     "What are you, a crazed stalker I should know about but don't for some reason?" Buggy asks, instead of answering Laina's question. The whole time she's trying not to look at the outfit hugging the curves. She has to admit to herself that it's rather flattering, especially with the shirt ending at the middle of Laina's thighs.

     The girl walks over to the clean and empty bed and sits at the edge of it. "I like to consider myself a secret agent," she says, still smiling. 

     Buggy mutters, "Not much of a secret if you're telling me."

     "Calm down," Laina says, dismissing Buggy's tiny annoyance with a hand. "You've known of me since before you left New York." When Buggy gives her an odd look, Laina continues in a sing-song way, "Remember the first note on your window?"

     The memory of the uneasy feeling when she entered her apartment that night flashes through her eyes. "You gave me trouble for that," she complains. "It took me a long time to decode your message because it was too damn smudged!"

     Laina laughs nervously. "Sorry about that," she says. "But hey, at least I had you going where I needed you to go."

     Not feeling amused, Buggy glares at the girl. "Glad to know that I'm your puppet," she deadpans. "If you wanted me to do my thing to save Malik, you could have just told me right up instead of being the all mysterious A."

     "A?" Now Laina's confused.

     "Not a Pretty Little Liars fan, are you?"

     The girl decides to ignore the comment. "Now that you heard the witness's story, is there something new about the case that you now know?" Laina asks. Buggy detects some hope in her voice. "I'd ask him myself, but I overheard you say that he'll only have to tell you and no one else. To be honest, that was sweet." 

     "You watched the conversation between me and Peptin?" Buggy's unsure if she should be paranoid or impressed that Laina eavesdropped the conversation without her noticing. "And why do you need to know that?"

     Tsking, Laina responds, "I got you on board with me, and I dropped a big hint as to where they would've taken the model. I figure you'd like to return the favor by telling me the details about the kidnapping."

     When Buggy doesn't budge, the girl adds, "I can tell you what I know about them so far."

     Buggy chews the inside of her cheek as she considers the options laid out in front of her. If she teams together with Laina, they'd get to share what they know from their separate investigations, come up with a (maybe) fool-proof plan to capture the bad guys and save Malik. After it's all over, Buggy would get to return to New York in time to worry about exams. 

     Sadly, this would make her a hero, and not an anti-hero. (Not to mention risking revealing her real identity behind Girl Master of Disguises.) Besides, neither Dean nor Blond Beard have done anything to piss her off. Yet.

     If she keeps working on the mission solo, then Buggy would keep her identity secret, keep going with her plan, and do her usual bad-ass moves as soon as she interrupts Blond Beard and Dean's plan at the Space Needle. The agency would be pleased to have their model back, and she won't have to see Laina again.

     Unfortunately, there's a big chance she might not be able to complete the mission in time. Malik would be further injured, possibly dead. And Buggy would feel a lot of guilt for not taking the chance. 

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