Chapter Thirty-Four - Going Off-Script, Apparently

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Buggy hopes no one has witnessed her and Laina stealing some poor people's bikes. She doesn't have any more energy to run away from them.

     "You'd think they'd want to do this at night," Laina comments as she takes off her helmet. Buggy laughs at the state her hair's in. The girl tries her best to comb it down with her fingers. She doesn't get all of it, but she doesn't give a damn enough to do it properly. "You think the jumpsuits are still available?"

     "Depends on if the people working on the remodeling brought their vans," Buggy responds. She looks to the spot where the vans were the last time she and Laina were here. "I don't see any of them."

     "Um." Laina points to the opposite direction. "They're parked over there."

     Buggy looks where Laina's pointing. "Oh, I knew that," she says.

     "Sure you did."

     After grabbing the jumpsuits and putting them over their outfits, the girls walk in the Space Needle (Laina actually pick-locked it, which she was thrilled about). Buggy has been expecting the gift shop to be crowded with people and workers. The only people on the floor is the woman, who seems to be absent for the time being.

     "What time does this place open?" Buggy asks Laina.

     Her partner shrugs. "It depends on the day of the week," she answers. "The earliest this place can open is nine-thirty."

     Buggy, remembering her phone is in her jeans, unbuttons the jumpsuit and fishes it out. It's fifteen minutes to nine. "Is there some kind of TV or a radio around here? There should be some more news about the CEO's arrival."

     The question prompts Laina to walk behind the register, a mischievous smile on her face. "What are you--" Buggy cuts herself off when her partner pulls up a tablet of a newer model than her own. "Alright, are you going to tell me how you know there was something like that behind the counter?"

     "Nope!" Laina presses a couple of buttons on the device. Walking towards the counter, Buggy crosses her arms and leans against the surface. She waits as the tablet is put down and an article is on display for her to read.

     Buggy skips over the details of the kidnapping, the notes, the CEO's response, and starts analyzing a couple of sentences about her flight. "Yeah, she's due to arrive in about ten minutes," she informs a bored Laina. "Twenty at the most."

     "That's nice," she says. "Can we get to the good stuff now?"

     As the girl puts the tablet back in its place, Buggy wonders, "Exactly what 'good stuff' are you talking about?"

     "I find it sad I have to tell you the answer," Laina admits. She pauses, making the stare Buggy's giving her a little more awkward than it should be. "Catching them in the act!"

     ". . . The act of killing, or the act of preparing to kill?" Buggy asks.

     "Okay, now you're just pushing it," the girl says while stepping towards the elevator.

     In the exception of the couple of people in jumpsuits, the restaurant's empty. "Either we beat Dean and Blond Beard here, or they misled us," Buggy whispers to Laina. "I doubt they'd be able to hide Malik here without the people noticing."

     "Tell me about it," Laina responds.

     "I just did."

     "Shush, you!"

     One of the workers looks up to see the girls. "Hey!" he greets happily. "I'm in need of a pair of hands." He points to a paint can, and then to several boards of wood leaning against a table. "Can one of you do me a favor and color some of the wood over there?"

     Laina and Buggy look at each other before Buggy goes over and picks up a brush and can. Laina pretends to be working, but really walks around acting like she knows what the hell the workers are doing to the place. With an annoyed sigh, Buggy takes another brush and flings it in Laina's way.

     Once in a while, Buggy would look around to see if anything suspicious is going on. To her disappointment, there's nothing every time. Laina notices, but doesn't call her out on it.

     It feels to Buggy as if not even five minutes have passed when the others stop what they were doing and head down to the ground floor. "It's lunch hour, and we have forty-five left if we want to eat with the rest of the crew," the same worker tells her. "Are you two alright being here alone?"

     Both the girls nod, and he exits the room. Almost immediately Laina quits the painting. "Man, I thought they'd never leave," she says aloud. "I thought I was going to die of boredom."

     "There, there," Buggy says mockingly. "You can live and leave me to do the dirty work." Laina stretches and walks around a little. "What were you planning to do?" she asks.

     "My job," Laina explains. "Which at the moment should be keeping an eye out for Dean and Blond Beard in case they haven't arrived yet."

     As she's about to leave, Buggy says, "Wait, you're just leaving me here alone?"

     "Well, no." The girl pulls out her phone. "We have each other's numbers. If you get too lonely, you can call me." She reconsiders what she's said. "Or if you need to know the details of what's happening."

     "I can definitely tell you I'll never call you because I'm lonely," Buggy says.

     Laina mouths, "Liar," before closing the door behind her. Because she has nothing else to do, Buggy picks up where she left off. 


Buggy's just put the brush in the can after finishing painting the last board when she realizes there's been nothing from Laina in the last twenty minutes. Not a word, not a sound. That can't be good; Laina almost never shuts up about anything to do with the kidnapping since Buggy's met her.

     While she tries to wake her legs up, Buggy pulls out her phone. Clicking on Laina's number, Buggy presses the phone to her ear. It rings loudly six times before it reaches Laina's oddly chirpy voicemail. "Huh," Buggy says, looking at her phone in confusion. 

     Maybe she didn't hear it? she thinks, knowing how unlikely that sounds. Screw it, I'm calling her again. She presses the button again and listens to it ring. 

     Just as Buggy plans to end the call and try again, she hears some shuffling around her. She turns around in time to get smacked in the face with something blurry. She falls to the floor with a thump, not understanding exactly what's just happened.

     The last thing she can see is a smiling Blond Beard looking down at her.

Girl Master of Disguises (Lesbian Story, GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now