Chapter Thirty-Eight - Reveal and Flip Out

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No amount of caffeine in the world can completely wake Buggy up faster than James' confrontation. "Um, that is a gun," she says awkwardly.

     James is already irritated. "Yeah, on your desk," he repeats. "In case you don't know the laws of New York, let me tell you that you have to be twenty-one years old or older to get a concealed weapons permit. Last time I checked, you're three years shy of it." He waves the gun around. "Now, why the hell do you have a gun in your apartment?"

     A million excuses run through Buggy's mind. "It was my dad's, and he wanted me to have it in case of an emergency," one of them whispers. "I had a friend over to hang out, and he left that here and forgot to take it with him," is another. "The lamp told me it was a good idea," seems like a better excuse. Sadly, none of them would appease her friend. And said friend looks murderous with the gun still in his hands.

     "Buggy?" he demands. 

     "I'm thinking," she admits.

     "Of course, you are," James sighs. "That's what all the guilty people say."

     Buggy steps forward and tries to take the Beretta away from him. He holds up an arm and moves the gun away, giving her an angry questioning look. "You're angry right now, and I doubt letting you hold it will make the situation better," she says.

     After glaring at her for a long time, James reluctantly tosses the gun aside. "So, are you going to tell me or not?" he asks. "Right now, I'm not feeling all that friendly, so be fucking glad I'm asking."

     "I'm so glad," Buggy says sarcastically. "If you're going to tell me the law, then what about you? You broke into my apartment!"

     "Because I was worried about you!" James responds. "You wouldn't answer my texts or my calls! What the hell was I supposed to do, wait for you to come back?"

     "Yes, James. That's exactly what you should have done," Buggy says. "That's what normal friends do." Even when she mentioned the breaking and entering, she's noticed the expression on James' face hasn't changed. ". . . That's not the only thing you're pissed off about," she says.

     Her friend slowly shakes his head no. "I saw the news about the model being saved," he explains. "While the reporter was talking, I noticed a certain person talking to some officers in the background." Buggy raises an eyebrow. James nod. "Yeah, I recognized you. You were at the crime scene when the criminals were arrested."

     Now she's dreading the upcoming question. 

     "Why were you in Seattle?"

     Buggy crosses her arms and rocks on her feet a little, avoiding his gaze. She figures there'd be a time when she'd have to tell James about what she does on her free time, but she never thought it'd be now. She was really planning on telling him a lot later. She mumbles something that James can't hear.

     "What'd you say, Buggy?" he asks.

     "I um, might be, um, the Disguise person," Buggy repeats, practically whispering towards the end.

     James stares at her intensely. "You're the fucking Mistress of Disguises?!" he inquires, loud from being in shock. "You're the girl who goes around catching bad guys for the police to find?"

     "Girl Master," Buggy corrects, holding up a finger.

     He laughs bitterly. "I'm finding out you have this Superman-style of life, and you're correcting me?"

     "'Mistress' makes me sound like a spinster in the 1800s," Buggy explains. 

     James stands up abruptly, causing Buggy to physically back off a bit. "I can't fucking believe it," he mutters, putting his hands over the back of his head. "I can't believe this."

Girl Master of Disguises (Lesbian Story, GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now