Chapter 1

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I sighed as I finished signing the last few papers needed for the new job we were taking on. I'm the CEO of my fathers company, who left everything to me when he retired but still owned 1/3 of the company. We were hard at work, securing this new project that will secure the name of Styles Co.

"Mr Styles?" I looked up at my assistant with a smile.

"Yes?" I asked and she walked in holding 3 large files.

"Mr Cowell needs these signed and agreed to by tomorrow." She said and I groaned.

"That means I have to take them home with me tonight?" I asked and she smiled sympathetically before nodding. I groaned but gestured for her to put them on my desk. I watched her leave before looking at the picture on my desk and smiled. I had the most perfect family ever. My beautiful husband who gave life to my two beautiful children. I looked at my watch before deciding enough was enough and I got up, shoving everything I needed into my briefcase before taking hold of the 3 large files and heading out.

"Megz, I am heading out early. See you tomorrow." I said to my assistant and she smiled, telling me to have a good evening. I knew I would, with my kids and husband around. I always smiled just thinking about them. On the way home, I stopped and bought Louis some of his favorite flowers. I mean why not? When I finally pulled up to the house, parking my car in the garage and stepped out, heading into the house.

"Lou?" I called but there was no answer. I frowned seeing a suitcase by the door. I placed my briefcase and files down onto the small table by the door and looked around.

"Louis? You home?" I called when I walked up stairs to see Louis in the bedroom, packing more clothes into the suitcase... My clothes?

"What's going on?" I asked as I looked for the children.

"The kids aren't here..." He stated and I frowned.

"Okay? You going to tell me what is going on now.?" I asked and he nodded, turning to face me with a blank expression. He walked over to the bed and picked up a brown envelope, handing it to me. I frowned as he continued to pack my clothes into the smaller suitcase. I slowly opened the envelope and pulled the papers out of it. I frowned seeing the words 'Divorce Settlement' on top.

"What?" I asked looking between the papers and Louis.

"I want a divorce." He said with no emotion at all,

"W-why? What ever I did... I... What..." I stuttered, not knowing what to say. I don't remember doing anything to him. I never work late, I never shout at him or fight. I give him everything he has ever wanted... What happened?

"Nothing to do with you. Truth is I have never really loved you, only wanted the money. Now I don't need you anymore now that I have a large bank account and will receive another one once the divorce is settled." He said as I felt tears in my eyes.

"What?" I was so confused until I heard the front door open and close.

"Babe you here?" My eyes widened hearing that voice.

"In the bedroom darling." Louis said as I looked at the papers. Suddenly I watched the man with blonde hair and brown eyes walk in, holding my children.

"Oh, you haven't sorted it yet?" The man said looking at me but talking to Louis.

"Harry just sign the papers please. It will make it easier for us both." Louis said as I looked towards him.

"Not until you explain what the hell is going on!" I snapped at him for the first time in 5 years that I have loved him with my whole heart. I could feel my heart shattering into a million pieces and crumbling to the floor.

"This is Steven, I've been with him for... 6 years? We both agreed that I should marry you, that way I can get your money out of this. Decided to call it quits now." Louis said placing his hand on his stomach.

"What about my kids?" I asked and he chuckled.

"They are not yours Harry. They are Stevens." Louis said but I shook my head glaring at him.

"Riley isn't..." I said softly and he frowned.

"What are you talking about?" He asked.

"Riley had a DNA test done when she was born. It was of course for medical reasons, and I came up as the father." I stated and Louis shrugged.

"Oh well, I guess I had to deal with your dick and Stevens dick so it doesn't matter." Louis said. I glared at him, feeling every fiber in my being boiling with anger. I began to read the papers, but I stopped and nearly threw them at Louis.

"You cannot take my kids away from me." I stated but he rolled his eyes.

"As far as their concerned, Steven is their dad. I want everything Harry. The house, car, business and bank account!" He said as I threw the papers onto the bed.

"What a shame, I want doesn't get. I can give you the house and the car... But the account is in my name, not yours and the business isn't mine to give away. I can say you can have it, but my father and my uncle are the others that need to sign. They will never sign to you! You know my father has never liked you and yet I always stand up for you!" I snapped and his eyes widened slightly.

"But you will not take my kids away from me! I love you! No I loved you, I bent over backwards for you and those kids! I was there for both their births! I flew from America that night just to be there for Riley's birth! I can't believe you and him have been doing this!" I said before punching the wall. Steven stood there wide eyed.

"You will get nothing from me! You will hear from my lawyer. Fuck you both." I snapped, snatching the papers and the now closed suitcase. Storming out to the garage, I threw the suitcases in and my work files, briefcase and everything else that Louis could use. I raided my study and threw the photo albums all over the room! I emptied everything I could think off, taking the files with all the important documents in it. I made my way back to the garage and shoved everything into my car! I went back in and grabbed my laptop and keys.

"So you going to leave your child homeless?" I stopped at the door before turning to glare at Louis who was leaning against the wall with a glare. I stormed towards him and pushed him right against the wall, his eyes showing slight fear.

"You don't know who you are messing with! You won't get a cent from me." I spat before storming out and slamming the door. I climbed into the car, throwing the flowers I got for him out the window and drove out, knowing Louis was watching from the window. When I was finally out of sight, I pulled over before sobbing. I rested my head on the steering wheel and just sobbed. How could he do this to me? I loved him... Love him... I finally calmed down enough to phone the one person I could trust. It rang a few times before he answered.

"Harry? Everything alright?" He asked and I began to sob again.

"Dad, I need a lawyer... He played me..." I cried.

"Come over son. Come tell us what happened." He said and that's where I found myself an hour later, wrapped up in my mums arms as my dad went mad. He called up the best lawyer he knew. I wanted to give that man nothing... But I couldn't not leave him anything as he has my daughter.

"He's going to take her away... He's going to take my daughter away mum..." I cried and she sighed, rubbing my back. This was going to be a really long night.

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