Chapter 21

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Its been a week, and Louis has finally moved into the house and I have put his old house up on the market. The kids are all excited that Louis has moved in permanently. George decided to move up a grade and we are very proud of him. It was now the weekend, and Niall and I decided it would be good to go play a round of golf. 

"I was thinking of taking the kids to the movies or something." Louis said, lying in bed while I was getting ready. 

"Why not take them to the Ice rink? Riley loves ice skating." I said and sighed.

"You know I can't ice skate to save my life Harry." He said and I chuckled. 

"Right, I forgot about that. Oh, I was thinking now that I have more time to do things. The kids go on break soon so I was wondering if you would like to go to the beach house in Spain for a week." I asked, tying up my shoelaces.

"You have a beach house in Spain?" Louis asked, with a shocked look on his face and I chuckled.

"Of course I do! I also have one in Hawaii and I have a house in Australia! Well I share that with my parents but its under my name." I said and he shook his head in shock.

"You are crazy you know that?" He asked as he crawled up behind me on the bed and wrapped his arms around my neck.

"Crazy for you though." I mumbled, turning my head slightly and kissing him. He smiled as we pulled away.

"Can't we go to Hawaii instead? Its will be winter this side during their break." He said and I grinned.

"Perfect! I like the sound of that! If you get time, would you look at flights and plane tickets?" I asked and he nodded, kissing my cheek before I stood up and grabbed my hat.

"I will see you later! Have fun with the kids." I said, leaning over and kissing his lips softly before I headed out the bedroom.

"See you later kids! Be good for Papa." I said into the living room and I got a chorus of 'okay' before heading into the garage and climbing into the car, checking to make sure I have all my clubs.

I soon arrived at the golf club and parked my car. I climbed out and grabbed my golf bag, seeing Niall parking his car a few spaces away. I grinned and waved at him before locking the car and putting my hat on.

"Thanks for joining me Harry!" Niall said as he shook my head.

"It feels good to be back! I haven't hit a ball in ages." I said and he chuckled.

We finally got to the ninth hole when Niall asked the question I knew he was dying to ask.

"So what is actually going on with You and that Louis guy." Niall asked and I smiled.

"You mean my kids mother?" I asked and he nodded.

"We are kind of back together." I said and he coughed.

"Really? The same guy you asked me to keep out the school? The same guy I saw being dragged out my school by two security guards? That guy?!" Niall asked shocked and I chuckled.

"Yes Niall, that guy! I love him okay, I always have. He just went a bit silly!" I said just as my phone rang. I frowned at the unknown number.

"Hello Harry speaking." I said and there was a lot of noise in the backround.

"Sir, we would like to inform you that there has been a accident. Your husband and 3 kids are all on their way to London hospital right now." The woman said on the phone I dropped my club. I thanked the woman before turning to Niall.

"I have to go..." I said before running off down the golf course. I finally got to my car and climbed in, pulling away quickly. I drove as quickly as I dared to drive, not wanting to get into an accident myself. I soon pulled up to the hospital and jumped out, running inside to the main desk.

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