Chapter 31

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"Harry!!" I sat up quickly, looking around the room before sighing. I was on the couch, I must of fallen asleep. Louis is now 6 months pregnant and his hormones are getting worse. 

"Harry!! Get you ass in here now!!!!" I heard and I quickly stood up and jogged to the kitchen to see Louis there chopping vegetables. 

"I have called you twice now. Seriously Harry, will you stop being lazy and actually pull your weight around the house?" Louis snapped and I balled my fists up and took a deep breath. 

"I'm sorry Love. I am just tired after running around at 2am this morning trying to find you a cheese burger and chocolate ice cream." I mumbled. 

"Oh so its my fault now?" He asked and I frowned. 

"Lou, I know the hormones are raging right now but can you please just tone it down a bit?" I asked softly when suddenly he slammed the knife on the counter and glared at me. 

"So it is my fault!" He shouted and I sighed. I have been trying so hard these days not to snap back but this getting ridiculous. 

"I am home all the bloody time now. I pick the kids up. I make dinner. I clean the house and you are the one complaining?! Just because I am carrying your child, doesn't give you the right to slack off and actually help me for once in your life!!! And the wedding? Don't even get me started!!!" He shouted.

"Lou, please. You know I help you. I am doing my best. Since the doctor has suggested you stay at home now, I am working more then ever. Ed is still looking for a new Receptionist for me. So please Louis. Enough." I said, calmly. 

"Bullshit!" He snapped and that was enough for me. I shook my head before grabbing my keys off the counter and walking out. 

"Where are you going?!" Louis called. 

"Out!!" I shouted back before slamming the door behind me and climbing into my car and driving away. I needed time to just breath, or I am going to say something I regret. Don't get me wrong, I completely understand how Louis is feeling but this is getting ridiculous. The kids were at my mum's at the moment, she wanted to take them to the zoo. 

I parked the car near the park and climbed out, walking to the bench I know so well. I come to the park a lot when Louis is in one of his moods. It stops us from fighting a lot because there is a few times that I thought I was going to blow. I took a deep breath as I sat down on the bench and looked around to see no one around. I lifted my legs up and spread out onto the bench, looking up at the sky. The first week after I asked Louis to marry me, he was so excited he wanted to plan the whole wedding out and I agreed to be there whenever he needed my help on something. Then when the doctor thought he needed to rest because he was under a lot of stress, we both agreed that the wedding planning will go on hold until after he gave birth. 

"Hey mate." I looked up to the voice and smiled, seeing Zayn standing there. 

"Hey Zayn, how's it going?" I asked as I sat up and he sat next to me. 

"Alright, but by the looks of you, its not so good?" He asked and I sighed. 

"Louis is just on the rampage again. I came here to get away for a while." I said, leaning back into the bench. We both just sat in silence, listening to the bird noises. 

"I never got to thank you Harry." Zayn said and I frowned.

"What for?" I asked and he chuckled.

"For the job. If it wasn't for you, I can be almost positive Perrie and I would be on the street." He said and I smiled. 

"I know you Zayn, that would never of happened. But I am more then happy for you to work at the company. I hear you are amazing when it comes to the designs. Even Ed was impressed by the design of the resort in Boha Boha." I said and he smiled. 

"Perrie is pregnant you know." He said and I grinned. 

"That is awesome!! Congratulations mate!!!" I said giving him a pat on the back and he smiled, mumbling thanks. I frowned slightly, wondering why he doesn't look as excited as I thought he would be. 

"What's wrong?" I asked and he sighed. 

"I don't know anything about being a parent Harry. What do I do?" He asked and I frowned. 

"I can't tell you what to do Zayn. It will come naturally to you. I know it will. It is a scary thought but all you have to do is Love them." I said and he sighed. 

"What if the baby hates me?" He asked and I chuckled. 

"I asked Louis the same question when he was pregnant with George. You won't know until they are here." I said and he smiled. 

"Thanks Harry. I needed that talk." He said and I smiled, just as my phone began to ring. I pulled it out my pocket to see Louis' name pop up on the screen. 

"Are you okay?" Zayn asked and I nodded. 

"I will be fine. I'm just really tired." I said and he nodded. 

"Well you are not alone. I am in the same boat as you now man. If you need to talk, just call." Zayn said standing up again and I smiled. 

"Thanks Zayn. See you at work." I said and he nodded before making his way to the car park. My phone rang again and I smiled, before answering it.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." I heard and I smiled. 

"Its alright my love. I completely understand." I said and I heard him sigh. 

"Please come home." Louis said and I smiled, standing up. 

"On my way." I said hanging up before running to the car and climbing in. As much as this whole situation gets crazy and annoying, I will always run back when he asks me too. I can't help it, I just love him so much. Once I pulled into the drive way, Louis was sitting on the step outside the door and I smiled as I stepped out and walked towards him. He slowly stood up before wrapping his arms around me tightly.

"I love you. You know that right?" He asked softly and I smiled, burying my face in his hair. 

"Of course I do. I love you too." I said and he smiled, looking up at me. I placed my hands on his belly before leaning down and kissing him softly. 

"3 more months and we all go back to semi normal." I said and he smiled. 

"I know you want to keep the babies gender a secret, but can we please find out next week? I really want to know." He asked and I smiled.

"Alright fine, but we don't let anyone else know." I said and he nodded. 


A/N: Hi guys, so I am so so so sorry it has taken so long for a update. Life just got in the way for a while. I have decided there is only going to be 4 more chapters to this story, so hopefully I will have them done soon enough. 

P.S. Sorry this chapter isn't the best.

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