Chapter 36

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A few days later and I was allowed to go home but I wasn't prepared to leave the hospital until Harry finally woke up. I cried the day I went to see him. His head was wrapped up in bandages and he just looked so fragile and weak. Our little girl has to stay in the hospital for a little while longer due to her being a month premature. So I had a better excuse to stay at the hospital as long as possible. I walked into Harry's room to see the doctor and two nurses standing around his bed and I panicked, thinking the worst. 

"What's wrong?" I asked, standing frozen at the door. 

"Ah there you are! He should wake up soon. We are checking his vitals and what not." The doctor explained and I nodded with a smile. I walked up to the side of Harry's bed and slowly took a seat in my usual spot. 

"If he wakes up, please press the red button on side." The nurse explained and I nodded, thanking her quietly. Once they all left and it was just Harry and I in the room, I took his hand in mine and ran my thumb over knuckles. 

"Please wake up soon Love. Our little girl needs you now. She still hasn't got a name yet. I don't want to chose without you. So you need to wake up soon and sign her birth certificate." I whispered, looking at his peaceful face. I smiled before turning my gaze back to his hand which had the IV drip in and kept rubbing his hand gently. The doctor came to check him 3 times in the last 4 hours. My back was starting to get sore from sitting down in the hard chair. I rested my head on the side of the bed, next to Harry's shoulder and began to hum a soft little tune. I soon felt myself drifting off when I felt my hand being moved. I looked down at my hand that held Harry's hand saw his thumb rubbing over mine. I shot my head up and looked right at him to see his bright green eyes looking right at me. 

"You're awake!" I said softly and he smiled at me. I quickly pressed the red button on the side of his bed. 

"How's our girl?" He whispered so softly and I smiled, feeling tears build in my eyes. 

"She's doing great." I said back and he smiled slightly. 

"Mr Styles! Its good to see you awake!" The doctor said and Harry smiled at him. The doctor did all the normal vital checks, before telling the nurse to book him in for a scan and a X-ray. 

"I will be back in half an hour to take you down for tests." The doctor said and Harry nodded slowly. 

"How are feeling?" I asked softly, not wanting to talk to loudly. 

"Sore." He mumbled and I nodded, placing my hand gently on the side of his head. 

"I missed you." I said and he smiled. 

"I wasn't gone for that long was I?" He asked and I shook my head. 

"5 days is long enough." I said and he smiled, squeezing my hand gently. 

"I heard you say something earlier... About our girl..." He trailed off and I nodded. 

"I haven't given her a name yet. I want you to help me choose." I said and he smiled, as I watched his eyes brighten. 

"So I know we had a few names picked, but I still like Iris or Alexus the most." I said and he nodded.

"I really like Alexus." He said softly and I grinned. 

"So are we agreeing on Alexus?" I asked and he nodded slowly with a smile. 

"Alexus Jay Styles." He said and I grinned. 

"Come here." He mumbled, reaching up and pulling me down until our lips connected. 

"Love you." He said softly. 

"Love you too." I said. 

"Right Mr Styles, lets get you down to do tests." The doctor said and Harry nodded. 

"I will go fill in Alexus' birth certificate." I said. 

"See you later." He whispered as I watched him get wheeled out the room. I grinned, before heading to the nursery and waving at the nurse inside the room. She smiled before coming out. 

"Come to see your little girl?" She asked and I nodded. 

"Alexus." I said and the nurse grinned. 

"Does that mean you have chosen her name?!" She asked excitedly. 

"It does yes. Harry has just woken up." I said and she hugged me excitedly before telling me to go in a see her, while she gets the paperwork for me to fill in. I walked over to my little girls crib and smiled down at the tiny little baby. 

"Hey Alexus. Your daddy is going to be all better soon." I whispered as she slightly gripped my finger. 

"Finally got a name my girl." I said softly, kissing her forehead.

"Here you go Louis. You will just need to put her Full name down and then you and her dad can sign it. Then we will get an official one made for you." The nurse said and I thanked her as I took the paperwork and sat down next to my little girl and spent some time with her. After an hour, I was kindly asked to leave so I headed back to Harry's room to wait for him. When I got there, he still wasn't back yet so I sat down and filled in Alexus full name and then I signed it with my name at the bottom. I smiled, taking Harry's surname instead of mine. As I just finished writing the last letter, Harry was wheeled back into the room. He looked exhausted but still smiled when he saw me. 

"How did it go?" I asked softly. 

"Alright I think." He said and I nodded. Harry soon fell asleep again when the doctor came in with a clip board. 

"Alright the scan shows that we got all of the tumor out. No abnormalities in the X-rays. Blood tests have still come back positive with cancer but we will carry on with the Chemo treatment. It will just be the last cells still fighting to stay alive." The doctor explained. 

"You sure there was no other cancer anywhere. I don't think I can handle any more." I said and he smiled. 

"We have done full tests on him and it was only the brain tumor we found. Don't worry yourself so much Louis. Harry is strong." He said and I smiled, thanking him as he left. I finally felt like I could take a breath and not worry so much when suddenly Harry's heart rate monitor went mad. I panicked and pushed the red button. It happened so fast as I watched the flat line run across the screen and soon I was being forced out the room as the doctor and nurses worked on Harry...

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