Chapter 28

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Louis is now 3 months pregnant and he doesn't stop complaining about how much weight he has put on. I couldn't see any difference but apparently he could. I was sat in my office, doing some paperwork when Louis knocked on the door, holding several files up. 

"A little help please..." He said, trying to open the door properly, without dropping the files. I smiled, quickly getting up and jogging to the door and opening it for him. 

"Thanks." He huffs before sitting the files down on my desk. 

"Ed sent these up for you to read and sign." He said and I nodded, taking one file in my hand and looking at the topic. 

"I am going to go pick the kids up alright." Louis said and I smiled, wrapping my arms around him and kissing him softly. 

"Alright, I love you." I said and he smiled, pulling away and heading to the door. 

"Love you too." He said before leaving and I sighed with a smile on my face. I walked around my desk and sat down on the chair before my phone began to ring. I looked at the caller ID and smiled.

"Hello, Harry speaking." I said.

"Mr Styles, I would just like to let you know that the ring you ordered is ready to be picked up." The lady on the other side said to me and I grinned. 

"Excellent. I will be round there now to pick it up." I said as I grabbed my keys and walked out my office. 

"Alright, see you now Sir." The woman said before hanging up. I quickly pocketed my phone and knocked on Ed's door. 

"Harry, what can I do for you?" He asked and I smiled. 

"Listen, I will be back now to do those files you sent up. I need to go pick up the ring I ordered before Louis starts asking questions." I said and he grinned.

"You planning to ask him?" He asked and I nodded. 

"Congrats man! Alright, I will keep Louis busy till you get back. He went to pick the kids up didn't he?" He asked and I nodded. I thanked him before heading to the elevator and quickly running to my car. I headed to the Jewelers in record time and parked my car outside. Once I stepped into the shop, the lady behind the desk smiled and brought out a small black velvet box and placed it on the counter. 

"I really hope this is what you wanted Mr Styles." She said as I took the box in my hand and opened it to reveal the ring inside and I smiled. It was the perfect ring, completely different to the first thing I ever got him. 

"Its perfect." I said and she grinned. I placed the box in my pocket and handed her my credit card. It was expensive but it is worth it. Once I have paid for it, and signed the insurance and the value of it, I headed back to work to see Louis's new car parked in his parking spot, seeing that his old one was smashed. I decided to buy him a bigger and more safer car to drive, especially now that he is pregnant. I quickly headed back inside and up to my office to see the kids, Louis and Ed in my office. 

"Daddy!!!!" Riley shouted before running up to me. I caught her and picked her up before spinning her around making her burst into giggles. 

"Got everything sorted Harry?" Ed asked and I nodded, with a smile. 

"Alright great. Let me get going then." Ed said and I nodded, thanking him before heading over to the couch where Louis was sat with George and Mason. 

"You feeling okay love?" I asked and he smiled, nodding. I kissed his lips softly before heading over to my desk and starting with the paperwork I needed. The ring box was almost burning a hole in my pocket but I wanted to make it extra special when I ask him. 

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