Chapter 23

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I woke up extra early this morning, seeing it was Louis' birthday today. The kids wanted to surprise him with a big breakfast. I agreed because it would give me time to set up what I had planned for Louis. We had a whole day planned, as the kids wanted to go swim with dolphins today. I gave the maid, Jenny instructions on what I wanted and she smiled, agreeing right away. She was going to set up the picnic and stuff while my uncle and I set up the spot and Louis and the kids got ready to go out. I sighed and slowly got out of bed, making sure I didn't wake Louis up and getting dressed into some basketball shorts and a shirt before exiting the room and heading to the kids rooms to wake them up before going down to the kitchen. I was soon joined by the 3 kids and smiled. 

"Right! We have a deadline to get this done! George, you make the tea! Mason, you mix the pancake mix! Riley,  you sort out all the strawberries and blueberries from good to bad! Lets go!" I said as they all ran round the kitchen. I handed the pancake mix to Mason to mix while I got the frying pan out to heat up. Riley got all the fruit out and put it on the island. I quickly picked her up and placed her in the chair, while George went to fill the kettle up with cold water. 

Half an hour later and we had a huge plate of pancakes with fruit to the side and a large cup of tea just how Louis likes it. 

"Alright, you know plan!" I said and they all nodded as I picked up the tray and we all walked to where Louis was still sleeping. George counted to 3 before they all ran in and jumped on Louis.

"Happy Birthday!!!!" They all shouted and Louis smiled, wrapping his arms around the kids. 

"Its to early for this!" He said, laughing as I walked up to his side. 

"Well they spent a lot of time making you breakfast." I said as he sat up and I placed the tray on his lap. He smiled as I bent down and pecked his lips. 

"Right, I am going to go set up your surprise! I will be back in an hour so we can all go swim with the dolphins!" I said as the kids cheered and Louis smiled.

"You really don't have to go through so much trouble Harry..." He said but I shook my head.

"Its your birthday Harry. It is no trouble at all! Now eat up! I will see you just now!" I said before heading out the bedroom, hearing the kids giggling with Louis. My heart beat quickly hearing that before I quickly headed out the glass door and ran down the path to the beach to see my Uncle and Jenny there with all sorts of cushions and blankets.

"Ah Harry! Did he enjoy his breakfast?" My uncle, James asked and I smiled, nodding. We soon got to work on putting the shade cover up with the old large bamboo poles as Jenny piled all the large stones around the bottom of the poles. 

"Shall we leave the back loose? It can blow in the wind and what not?" James asked and I nodded as we tied the cloth down. Jenny the bed like chair together before putting the cushions and folding a blanket up. She placed a few throw cushions on there too. 

"Right we can finish off everything here. You need to go get ready. You can drop the kids off at my hotel on the way back from the dolphins." James said and I smiled. 

"I will make sure everything is ready for you before you get back. Just send me a message before you leave." Jenny said and I smiled, thanking them both before running up to the house again to see the kids all running around outside. I smiled before heading into the house to see Louis in the kitchen. 

"Hey babe, you ready?" I asked and he turned around to look at me and nodded. 

"Cool, I am just going to get changed." I said, quickly walking into the room and getting changed into some swim shorts and a white shirt with a pair of flip flops. 

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