Chapter 34

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Its been a month since Harry started having treatment and I am beginning to worry about him. He is not physically able to work anymore, let alone do anything else. The doctor has suggested that Harry stays at the hospital from now on. They have booked his surgery for later today and I have never been more nervous. The baby will be due next month and I need Harry there with me. 

"Come on kids! Ed is here to take you to school!" Ed has been amazing to us since Harry has been in hospital. He has offered to pick the kids up for school and drop them off again at Harry's parents house. After dropping the kids off at school, Ed takes me straight to the hospital. Harry is only allowed to see one person at a time so we all made the decision that the kids will see Harry every other day. 

I walked out the house, behind the kids and making sure I have everything I need before climbing into the passenger side and greeting Ed.

"Alright kids, I will see you tonight! Be good!" I said as we stopped outside the school.

"Please tell daddy we love him." Riley said softly and I smiled softly before nodding as they climbed out. Soon Ed and I were on our way to the hospital. 

"You okay?" He asked as I rubbed my stomach. 

"Yeah, she's just been kicking a lot." I said and he nodded. 

"How is Harry doing?" He asked and I sighed, looking down. 

"Honestly, he looks terrible. I didn't even know it was possible for someone to be so ill. He cried yesterday when more of his hair fell out and he looks so skinny." I said softly and Ed sighed. 

"He will be alright. We have to all stay positive." Ed said and I nodded. 

"The doctor said the treatment is working. He goes into surgery later today." I said softly and he sighed. We soon got to the hospital and I thanked Ed. 

"Phone me when you want to be picked up. Anytime, it doesn't matter okay." He said and I thanked him again before closing the door and making my way into hospital. The ladies at the reception desk greeted me and I waved back at them before making my way to the ward I needed. Once in the ward, I was met with a woman crying her eyes out as the doctor had his arms wrapped around her. I gulped and kept walking to Harry's room. When I walked in, I was met with Harry sleeping soundly. He had a slight frown on his face and I sighed. I went and disinfected my hands before taking my usual seat and taking his hand in mine softly. 

"Mmm Lou?" I heard and smiled up at him. 

"Hey love." I said and he coughed before trying to sit up. 

"No stay there my love." I said and he sighed. 

"I want to see you properly." He whispered. I smiled standing up and sitting on the end of his bed, looking down at him. 

"Better?" I asked and he smiled, placing his hand on my belly. 

"How's she been?" He asked and I sighed dramatically. 

"She doesn't stop kicking at night now. She likes to keep me awake. Think she misses you." I said and he smiled. It was nice to see him smile again. 

"How are you feeling?" I asked and he shrugged. 

"I've been better. Although I do feel better then yesterday." He said and I smiled, rubbing his thigh gently. 

"I'm nervous for tomorrow though." He said softly and I nodded. 

"I am too. But you will be fine. The doctor said you are doing well." I said and he sighed. 

"He said the same for the other guy down the hall." He said softly and I gulped. I knew what he meant. 

"Please don't think like that. You can't think like that..." I tried holding back tears. 

"Love..." He said before finally making himself sit up and wrap his arms around me, cuddling me into him tightly. 

"I will be okay tomorrow. I have you and the kids to fight for. I wouldn't be here if I didn't have you all with me." He said softly, kissing my temple. His lips felt cold against my skin and I pulled away slightly. 

"Are you cold?" I asked and he nodded slowly. 

"Well I brought something for you." I said, getting of the bed and picking the backpack I brought with me. I pulled out a beanie and he smiled wildly when he saw it. 

"You still have it!" He said and I giggled. 

"Of course I still have it! I just kept it hidden from you because I know it was your favorite but I forgot to pack it when the whole divorce thing happened." I said and he grinned as I reached up and put it on his head. 

"There. Now you won't feel so cold." I said and he smiled, pulled me towards him and kissing me softly. 

"I really love you." He said and I smiled, kissing him again shortly. 

"I really love you too." I said. Just then the doctor walked in with a clipboard in his hand. 

"Alright Harry, you are all booked up and ready for surgery at 12pm." He said and Harry nodded. 

"He will be okay won't he?" I asked, fearing the worse. 

"There is always a possibility of something going wrong Louis, but I am not going to sugar coat it. I will do my very best to bring Harry back and cure him." The doctor said and I gulped, feeling a slight pain my lower back. 

"Thanks." I mumbled, rubbing my back a bit. 

"Don't stress my love." Harry said and I felt the tears in my eyes again. 

"How can I not stress Harry? There is a chance of things going wrong! I can't lose you Harry. I can't do this by myself. I need you with me. I want to marry you and I want to spend a long and happy life with you Harry. I can't do this on my own. Not anymore." I said, finally feeling the tears run down my cheeks. 

"Baby come here..." He said softly and I immediately went to him, cuddling into him as he wrapped his arms around me tightly. 

"I am fighting this Louis. I am going to fight to be here for you no matter what. Do you understand! I will be here for our little girls birth and we will get married and live our lives together. Don't even think for a moment I will give all that up." He said and I nodded. The pain in my back was getting worse but I couldn't tell him that, it would make him worry even more. 

"Our girl will be here in a few weeks. I won't miss it." He said and I nodded, burying my face into his neck. He rubbed my back softly, keeping me against him. A nurse soon came in and began to prep Harry for surgery. She had to shave the rest of his hair off his head, which made him frown more but I kept making jokes about it to make him smile. 

"I look weird now without my hair." He said and I smiled. 

"Do you want me to shave mine off? Then we can look weird together." I said and he chuckled, shaking his head. 

"Never! I love your hair." He said and I smiled. Soon 12pm came around and the Anesthetist and two nurses came into the room. 

"Alright Mr Styles. Its time to go." The one nurse said and Harry nodded, gulping a bit.

"I will be here when you wake up okay. I promise." I whispered, kissing him softly on the lips. 

"See you soon Lou." Harry said and he took a deep breath and soon I was watching him being wheeled out the room. The pain my back increased a lot more and then suddenly it spread right round and my eyes widened. I knew what happening... I walked out the room quickly, taking deep breaths when I bumped into a nurse. 

"Are you okay sir?" She asked, gripping my arm and I shook my head. 

"I think I am going into labor..." 

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