Chapter 14

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The next morning, I woke up hearing giggling. I tried hard not to smile as I opened my right eye slightly to see the kids all peaking into the tent with big smiles on their faces. 

"What are you lot giggling about?" I mumbled and they screamed before running away and I chuckled. 

"Mmm don't move..." Louis mumbled and I smiled, seeing him still lying on my chest.

"The kids are up! We need to get up..." I said and he sighed. 

"The ground is so hard!" He complained and I chuckled.

"You always did complain about camping. Yet you were the one to always suggest it." I said as we both sat up. I ran my hand through my hair and he wiped his face. 

"Yeah I know... What was I thinking?!" He said and I burst out laughing before crawling out the tent to see the kids all sitting round the fire place, looking innocent. 

"Alright. What is going on?" I asked and the shook their heads, with giggles. 

"Alright, then I guess you all don't need anymore marshmallows..." I said walking to the packet and they all jumped up, screaming NO!

"We saw you and papa kiss last night!" George said with wide eyes and I smirked. 

"I can always get the truth out of you lot can't I?" I asked and they hid their faces in their hands, still giggling. 

"Are you two back together?" George asked, looking a little suspicious and I shook my head. 

"No..." I said and he nodded. 

"Will you both be getting back together though? Like that kiss didn't just mean you're friends right? Like that doesn't seem right to me..." George rambled just as Louis came up behind me with raised eyebrows. 

"You were spying on us?" He asked, and I could see he worried they might of heard what he told me last night. 

"We could hear you both talking, not very well but we could hear so we decided to poke our heads out and then we saw you two kissing but I guess you heard us laughing." Riley said with a wide smile and I chuckled quietly. 

"You guys didn't hear what we were talking about though... Right?" Louis asked and they all shook their heads making him sigh with relief. 

"You gonna get married again?" Mason asked quietly and my eyes widened. 

"No love." Louis said.

"Maybe one day..." I said turning my gaze to meet Louis' shocked gaze. I smiled and kissed his forehead before going over to the fireplace and putting some wood down there to start a fire and cook some breakfast. My mind was swirling with everything I just said. Why am I going back to him? I know what he told me last night made me forgive him but taking him back as quickly as that? It was only earlier this week that I got custody of the kids from him, now he tells me everything that happened and I kissed him! After 5 years of being angry with him, I am falling into the trap once again. Louis and the kids were kicking a ball around while I boiled some water. I love him... I know I do, and the fact he told me that last night... But what if he is lying? What if he is going to use me again and then leave... I don't know what to do...

"Dad?" I jumped, turning to look at George and I smiled, patting the spot next to me for him to sit. I saw Louis, Riley and Mason still kicking the ball around. 

"Are you really going to get back with Papa dad?" George asked and I sighed. 

"I don't know bud..." I said and he nodded. 

"I want you to be happy dad... I heard what he told you last night..." He said and my eyes widened. 

"What?" I asked and he sighed nodding. 

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