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Two years later...

"Come on kids! Grandma is here!" I called upstairs as I sorted out Alexus bad. I couldn't believe my little girl was now 2 years old. 

"Pa! I still haven't finished my homework!" George said and I looked at him. 

"George, its summer. You don't need to do any homework." I said and he sighed. 

"Come on, she's outside." I said and he sighed before walking out the door. Riley came next, with Alexus stumbling next to her. 

"How time flies." I said, wiping a fake tear. 

"Pa, come on! Lets go!" Mason said excitedly. I smiled, picking Alexus up and her bag before we all headed out to Anne and Robin's car. 

"Have you packed everything Louis? Diapers? Wipes?" Anne asked and I smiled. 

"Of course! She's not my first baby Anne." I said and she smiled. 

"Right. We will see you there okay! Good luck!" She said and I smiled, thanking her before running to my car and climbing in. Niall and Liam where in there already waiting.

"You ready for this Lou?" Niall asked and I nodded as we pulled out and headed to the church yard. I was shaking slightly. I was nervous even.

"Relax Louis, you are going to give yourself a heartattack!" Liam said and I sighed. 

"I can't help it okay." I said and they both shook their heads. 

"We can always do this another day." Niall said. 

"NO! I... I waited long enough for this." I said and they nodded as we pulled up outside the church. I took a deep breath and climbed out the car, looking out into the graveyard. I was happy it was a sunny day for this occasion. Don't think I could of handled a wet and rainy day. 

"Come on Lou." Liam said as he dragged me into the church and I looked around to see all the flowers around the place. I couldn't look at the end of the church, feeling sick to my stomach. Niall, Liam and I walked up the stairs and into the room at the top to speak to the Minister. 

"Ah Louis! How are you?" The minister asked and looked down. 

"I'm okay. I'm holding up." I said and he smiled. 

"It will all be fine." He said and I nodded. I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself down. I didn't think I would ever be so nervous in my entire life. Suddenly there was a knock on the door and Zayn walked in. He gave me a small smile and nodded. 

"It's time Lou." He said and I took another deep breath and nodded. 

"I am so sorry Louis. There is nothing more we can do for him now." Those words ringing in my head as I made my way out the room, letting the minister go first. I gripped the railing tightly, trying to hold my breath. 

"I don't know if he will ever wake up again. And even if he did, there is a horrible chance that he may never walk or even move again." I remember crying so much that night. I couldn't handle it, it was to much. I was still trying to get my head around all this. Get my head around the reason I am here right now.

"Come on Lou." I heard my mum say and I smiled, wrapping my arm hers as we walked down the steps and to the doors that lead into the church hall where everyone was waiting. 

"You ready?" She asked and I smiled, nodding taking one more deep breath before the doors opened. Everyone turned to look at me and I felt even more nervous. I finally got the courage to look up and the tears welled up in my eyes seeing him there. Seeing my Harry... Standing for the first time in 2 years. My smile widened when he turned to look at me with a wide smile. When my mum and I stopped at the end of the Aisle, she kissed my cheek but I couldn't take my eyes off the man I love. He bent down and held his hand out to me with a smile. I took it with a smile and walked so I was standing next to him. 

"You're standing." I said and he smiled. 

"Like I said Lou... I will not stop fighting for you and my kids." He whispered and I grinned, wrapped my arms around him in a tight hug.  

So let me explain. 2 years ago, Harry's heart stopped beating. He had a stroke. The doctors didn't think he would ever wake up again. He was on life support for 6 months and I was told we would have to switch him off soon. It killed me to even think I would do that but I didn't have much of a choice. The day the doctor turned Harry's machine off, I watched as Harry took his last few breaths but they never came. Harry was breathing on his own. The doctors were in shocked and a month later Harry opened his eyes. He couldn't talk much and he couldn't walk and he couldn't move a lot. I didn't really care, I still had him in my life. It was a hard time. Harry found it even worse. He cried out of frustration for not being able to touch me when he wanted or talk to me normally. I promised him I would everything I can to find someone to help him. And I did. Today is the first time I have seen him stand up in two years. 

"Ready to get married?" He asked and I nodded with a large smile. He fought to get better. He fought to get his speech right and to move again. He still stutters a lot but nothing like it was. 

"Dearly beloved, we are gather here to join these two in holy matrimony." The minister started but I wasn't paying much attention now. I just kept my eyes on Harry. He was absolutely beautiful and my hero. 

"I believe you both have your own vows you want to say?" The minister questioned and we both nodded, turning to face each other. 

"Harry, I know I have made my mistakes in the past. Terrible mistakes that hurt you. I don't think I will ever really forgive myself for that. You are truly my everything Harry Styles. Without you, I wouldn't know what I would of done. I love you and I can't explain how much I love you because its way past the universe." I said with tears in my eyes and he grinned. 

"Louis. T-t-these last two years have been the h-hardest thing I have ever had to face in my entire life, but not as bad as the day I lost you. But now I have you back and it means e-e-everything to m-me. I couldn't do this without you. You and my four b-b-beautiful children mean e-everything to me and I w-wouldn't have it any other way. I am just glad I get to see them g-g-grow up and get to g-grow old with you. Louis I haven't told you this yet, but I've been put into Complete Remission. The cancer is gone." He said and I burst into tears, jumping on him as the hall clapped and cheered. 

"I love you so much." I said and he nodded. 

"I-I love you too." He said. 

"Shall we exchange the rings?" The minister asked and I blushed bright red, pulling away from Harry. 

"Sorry." I mumbled.

"Don't be sorry. One of the best and most emotional weddings I have ever done." The minister said as George came up behind us with two ring boxes. Harry took the one box and pulled the ring out of it, placing it onto my left ring finger. I did the same to him and soon we were able to kiss. Harry wrapped his arms tightly around me as we kissed, not wanting to pull away. We soon did pull away and smiled at each other. 

"This m-m-marriage better last l-l-longer then the l-last one." Harry said and I chuckled. 

"You won't be able to get rid of me now." I said and he smiled, turning to Zayn and getting a crutch from him. 

"I may be able to s-stand but walking is a l-l-little harder." He said and I smiled, wrapping my arm around his waist. 

"Don't worry, I will catch you if you fall." I said and he burst out laughing. 

So that is how this story ends. Harry and I are finally married again and we have 4 beautiful kids. Trust me, there will not be anymore coming! I will make sure of that! I am just happy that I got a second chance with Harry and I know I won't blow it this time. I love him with all my heart and to know I nearly lost him, well I didn't so it doesn't matter anymore.

A/N: So that is the end of Divorce Reunion! I'm quite sad about it actually but I feel it has ended in the right way. Thank you to everyone who has voted and commented on this story! It means the absolute world to me. I am working on a new story at the moment to replace this one. I will hopefully have it up in a few hours! 

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