Chapter 11

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A/N: I would just like to apologize for not updating lately. I have been so busy with University, I never get time to do anything.

I was pacing back and forth in his living room, silent tears running down my cheeks. How could I be so stupid?! George hates me! Riley won't come anywhere near me and Mason is to young to know the difference. I can even see Harry distancing himself when I am around and I am beginning to wonder if maybe I should stay around. It just seems to get worse as the days go by. I jumped hearing my phone ring from the coffee table. I walked over to my phone and saw Harry's name pop up. 

"Hello" I said softly, sitting on the couch. 

"We need to talk..." He said. I knew this was coming... I might as well make it easier for the both of us and just say what i've been thinking for a while.

"I think it will be best if I just leave you all alone..." I mumbled hearing silence on the other end. I sighed, wiping the tears that rolled down my cheeks, only to be replaced with new ones. 

"Wait... What?" Harry asked, sounding shocked. I sniffed slightly before taking a deep breath. 

"It will be for the best Harry. You hate me, the kids hate me, I might as well give up and leave you all alone. There is no point in trying anymore. I don't have the strength to try anymore..." I mumbled, closing my eyes to try stop the tears.

"Louis, what are you talking about?" Harry asked but I shook my head.

"You know what I am talking about Harry!" I cried before biting my lip to stop the sob.

"Louis, I am coming over." Harry said. I sniffed, hearing a set of keys jingle in the background.

"You don't need to Harry. I'm done! I give up!" I shouted before hanging up. I lay on the couch and sobbed. I've never felt so miserable in all my life. I feel like my whole life has fallen apart and I don't know what else to do anymore. I jumped hearing a knock on my door but I didn't move.

"Louis! Open the door!" I heard Harry call but I couldn't. I couldn't let him see me like this. 

"Louis, please! We need to talk." Harry called. 

"Why?! I told you everything I wanted to say on the phone!!" I cried out. 

"Louis, please. Just open the door. I am not allowing you to give up!!" He called and I sat there for a bit before deciding to stand up and open the door, keeping my head down. Harry stepped into the house and I shut the door before quickly turning and sitting on the couch again. I placed my hands on my face and silently let the tears roll down my cheeks. 

"Louis, what is going on?" Harry asked from the doorway but I just shook my head. I felt him sit next to me and I had the urge to bury my face into his chest and sob but I knew I couldn't. He hated me. He wouldn't me anywhere near him. 

"Louis... Come on. Don't be like this... I came to talk about maybe going out with us this weekend to the water park. I want to see if we can all have fun and get along again..." Harry said and suddenly I burst into tears. I couldn't do that, they all hated me! Why would they want me to be around while they have fun. 

"Come on Lou, don't be like this..." Harry said placing his hand on my back and I flinched away from him. 

"You won't want me there Harry! Don't you get that?? I can't keep trying to pretend that I can make things better because I can't make them better!!!" I cried and he sighed.

"Louis its not like that... Okay so the kids aren't happy with you but you are still their dad. I know that no matter how much George says he doesn't care about you, I can see he really does." Harry said but I shook my head and wiped my eyes. 

"There is no point Harry. They are staying with you and you hate me. I can't keep doing this anymore." I said, standing up and walking out the living room. 

"Who said I hated you Louis? I for one know I never told you such a thing." Harry said and I sniffed.

"Of course you hate me Harry. Why wouldn't you! After everything I did to you in the past and the present. Why would you not want to Hate me!" I said, leaning against the counter in the kitchen. He sighed and walked towards me, until he stood in front of me. 

"Louis it was the past. We can get over that. Louis those kids need you... More then you think. Yes they might not show it now, but I know George really misses you..." Harry said but I shook my head. 

"Don't lie to me Harry." I said, wiping the last few tears away.

"I am not lying Louis. I wouldn't be standing here if I was lying to you!!" He said but I shook my head. 

"You hate me Harry..." I whispered. He stepped closer to me and cupped my cheeks in his large hands, like he used to do all those years ago when I was upset. 

"Look at me..." He whispered as he brought my gaze to meet his. His bright green eyes never changed, even after everything that has happened. 

"I'm not lying to you. Have I ever lied to you?" He asked and I chuckled quietly.

"Well there was that one time..." I said and he rolled his eyes.

"Okay yes and I still will never live that day down! But I have never lied to other then that one time." He said with a smile that made his dimple come out. I used to love poking it, because it only made him smile harder. I acted without thinking and reached out to poke it, and it only made him smile more. 

"You always used to do that. I never understood why though." He said and I shrugged.

"It always made you smile more." I said softly and he chuckled. 

"How about a weekend away? Maybe we can both spend time with the kids, together..." He said and I frowned.

"You want to spend time with me?" I asked and he smiled.

"I'm spending time with you now aren't I?" He asked and I shrugged. 

"Exactly. Come on, instead of a water park... Lets all go camping!" He said and I frowned.

"Camping? You? You can't be serious?" I asked and he frowned.

"What does that mean?" He asked and I pointed to his clothes.

"Those are like the cheapest things you own..." I said and he rolled his eyes.

"Please. I never used to dress this smart. You know that..." He said and I smiled slightly, remembering what Harry used to wear when I first met him. 

"Come on Lou, it will be fun and it will be good for the kids..." He said and I sighed. I was trying to think of the pro's and con's on this trip. I looked up to meet Harry's begging eyes and I sighed again.

"Alright fine, I will do the camping trip." I said and he grinned.

"Brilliant!! I will have everything sorted! Pack light okay! I will pick you up tomorrow morning. I will take the kids out of school, just for tomorrow." He said, making his way to leave but then he stopped, turned back and quickly engulfed me in a tight hug. I smiled slightly, I missed his hugs... He pulled away and smiled, kissing my cheek and quickly heading out. 

I stood there, staring at the door he just left through... Did he just kiss my cheek? Who is the guy? Does anything bug him? I blinked a few times before heading up the stairs to pack a small bag up for tomorrow....

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