Chapter 30

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Later that day, while Louis was still sleeping, I headed downstairs and grabbed my phone before dialing Zayn's number and stepping into my study. 

"Harry! What can I do for you mate?" He asked and I smiled.

"Listen Zayn, I need your help with something." I said and began to explain what I wanted to do and he congratulated me before rambling off ideas on what he can do to set up the backyard for tonight. He told me not to worry and he will be there shortly to start it. I closed all the curtains to the backyard so Louis wouldn't see what is going on in the back there. When I stepped out the study, I saw Louis walk down the stairs with his hair sticking up in all places. 

"Hey babe, you alright?" I asked with a smile and he grinned, nodding. 

"How about you go pick the kids up from school and I start preparing dinner?" I asked running my hands through his hair and he sighed softly. 

"Sounds good." He said walking over to the door to put his shoes on and grab his car keys. He stepped out the house and quickly walked to the back door and opened it. I looked around the place, trying to think of an idea but soon Zayn popped around from the back. 

"Thank you so much for this Zayn. I don't know what I would do without you." I said and he grinned, as we bro hugged. 

"Right well I have some stuff in my car but seeing I had to climb the fence, I need your help to get it over the fence." He said and I nodded as I watched him climb over the fence again and I frowned slightly, seeing how easy he did it. Soon I saw a box above the fence and I quickly made a move to grab it and bring it over before Zayn hopped back over. He explained what he was going to do and I smiled, picturing it in my head. I nodded and agreed, letting him get to work as I headed back into the house, just in time for the front door to be opened and the kids come running in. I started to peel the potatoes and carrots when Louis walked in. 

"Why are all the curtains closed?" He asked and I smiled. 

"I just wanted to close them. The sun was rather bright outside." I said and he nodded, before coming over and helping me get dinner prepared and ready. 

Six o'clock came round shortly and Louis was letting his parents and my parents in while I took the roast out the oven. 

"Smells lovely Harry." I turned to see my mum there and I smiled. Suddenly there was a soft knock on the back door and quickly peeked around the curtain to see Zayn there with a plug in his hands. I gestured to the window on the side and I opened the window and he passed the plug through. I turned to see my mum has left the room, thank goodness. 

"Just switch it on so I can see it working. Then I am out of here." Zayn said and I smiled, thanking him as I plugged it in.

"Excellent. Alright Harry, everything is set up. Good luck! Let me know what he says." He says and I thanked him again just as Louis came into the kitchen. 

"Who are you thanking?" He asked and I spun to look at him. 

"Oh no one. I was just talking to myself." I said and he frowned but nodded as I made my way over to the roast and began to cut it while Louis went to set the table up. 

"Can I help you?" I looked up to see Jay standing there and I smiled, giving her a hug.

"I am alright at the moment. Why don't you get everyone seated and I will bring this through now." I said and she smiled, nodding before heading out to the dining table. I took a deep breath and smiled before walking to the dining room with the roast and setting it down. I looked around to see my father and Dan talking about some sort of business my father is doing. Louis and his mum were in a heated conversation about something and my mum was happily talking to the kids. I placed the roast on the table and sat down and everyone began to dig in. I help serve Riley while Louis helped serve Mason. Once we were all settled and everyone had food, Jay looked towards Louis and I and smiled.

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