Chapter 6

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The next morning, I was rushing the kids to hurry up so I could get them to school before going to see Louis. George looked worried as he tucked his school shirt in, while I did his tie.

"Relax love." I said softly and he sighed.

"What if they don't like me?" George asked and I smiled, running my hands through his hair.

"They will love you." I said just as Mason and Riley came down. I hurried them out the house and into the car, before driving off and heading to the school. Once we parked outside, Riley quickly got out with her school bag. I took hold of her school bag before getting the boys out.

"Come on then, lets get you to class and then fill the forms out for your brothers. You are going to look after them, okay!" I said bending down to Riley's height and she nodded. The three of us walked threw the halls before stopping at Riley's classroom. I kissed her forehead before handing her school bag over to her and she ran into the classroom to meet her friends. George and Mason stayed close to me as we walked to the office to meet with Niall.

"Ah Harry! Good to see you again!" Niall said as we entered his office. I shook his hand before his gaze turned to the boys.

"Who might you two be then?" Niall asked holding his hand out to shake George and Mason's hands. The two boys quietly introduced themselves before we took a seat.

"Alright, so what school are you transferring from?" Niall asked, looking at me.

"They were home-schooled." I muttered and Niall silently nodded before opening his draw and pulling out two packets of papers. He told me where to sign and agree to the payment options and so on.

"Alright, you are both all set. How about we show you to your classrooms and get you settled in." Niall said as we stood up. Niall handed George a schedule as he will start changing classes while Mason will learn everything in one class. We went to Mason's class first and I smiled, hugging him tightly.

"Be good okay. Listen to your teacher and just enjoy it. Make friends." I said and he smiled before walking into the classroom, and automatically seeing kids crowd around him with big smiles. I smiled at that before following Niall to George's class. George stuck close to my side as we stopped outside his classroom. I saw the teacher already in the class as we walked in.

"Mrs Fletcher!" Niall called and I watched the teacher turn her gaze towards Niall. She stood up and walked towards the door before smiling at us.

"This George, he is new here and will be joining your class." Niall explained and she smiled sweetly before shaking my hand and wrapping her arm around George.

"Be good okay. I promise you will be fine." I said and he nodded slowly.

"Trust me okay... If you have any problems, speak to Niall. If you need me, Niall will call me straight away." I said and he smiled, nodding before letting his teacher guide him into the classroom. I nodded to Niall in a thank you before leaving the school grounds and heading to the hospital, after phoning Megan to tell her I would be late today. I parked the car in the hospital car park before heading towards Louis' room. I knocked on the door before entering, seeing two men sitting beside Louis' bed.

"Mr Styles?" The one man looked up and I nodded as he stood up and shook my hand.

"I'm Detective Graham and this is my partner Officer Kyle." He said and I shook the other guys hand.

"We were busy asking Mr Marshal about his husband." The detective said. I frowned at the name Marshal.

"Its Tomlinson once again as that man will be my Ex-husband when you find him!" Louis snapped, crossing his arms over his chest.

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