Chapter 1- Saying Goodbye

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I was starting to question my sanity. Normally, when someone is forced to move away from everything and everyone they've ever know, they become depressed and angry. But i was neither of those things. 

Ever since my mother told me that we were moving to California, I'd felt nothing but happy. The idea of living anywhere in California seemed so exciting and I was ready for the change. Of course, I would always miss my home in Pennsylvania.  But for some reason, I could only focus on the joy of a fresh start. 

I've lived in the same town, same neighborhood, same house since the day I was brought home from the hospital. I loved it here. The people were generally kind and there was a lot of interesting history. My school was one of those cliched perfect High School Musical high schools, and the town I lived in was a classic example of suburbia. 

But that was why I was ready for a change. Something new. And this new town in California seemed like the perfect place to go. 

How cold hearted are you? I wondered to myself. I knew there was more than one reason to be more upset about moving to California. The whole reason we were moving there was because my mother was now the appointed "guardian" of my cousin, Tyler. My Aunt Kat and Uncle Sean had passed away in a serious car accident two weeks ago, leaving my mom not only a wreck, but Ty's appointed caretaker. 

Of course, we could have been cruel and forced Ty to move out here with us instead of upending our family to move to Beacon Hills. But my family isn't that cruel, and no one opposed the idea of a new home. 

So now my mother, my brother Shea and I are all moving to the quaint town of Beacon Hills, California. 

I'd come upon my last day here in Pennsylvania. I had set out to do all of the necessary stereotypical things one does when moving. All of our things were already packed and on their way except for the outfit I had kept for today. I looked in the hotel mirror to check my outfit one last time as a precaution. I always had this fear that as soon as I walked away from the mirror my entire outfit would come undone. I admired my attempt at being fashionable. A plain white dress and my jean jacket. I'd left my irritatingly straight brown hair down for the moment, but since it was mid August, it would probably end up in a ponytail at some point during the day. I hadn't bothered with make up because my skin was officially tan enough to make it unnecessary and the people I was seeing today wouldn't care. Plus, my white dress somehow made my blue eyes even more blue than usual. It's a miracle!

"Maebh! Seriously? You have 3 minutes until mom and I are leaving without you!" My brother Shea shouted as he pounded on the hotel room door. 

"Sorry! I'll be out in a sec, just let me grab my purse!' I shouted back, hoping he would lower his voice, 

"Fine, we'll be downstairs." he replied, and I heard him walking away. He takes that whole "bossy older brother" complex to a new level. I guess it makes sense since he's the only guy in the family. 

I grabbed my purse and headed down the steps to the lobby. We had only had to stay in the hotel for two days but needless to say, I wasn't going to miss it. 

"So what's on the agenda for today?" my mom asks me when I walked over to them. I understand why no one thinks we're related. My mom has bright red hair and skin that stays a bright pale white year round, so different from my appearance. Her four foot nine frame even seems dwarfed to my average five foot four. We couldn't be anymore different. 

"Nothing special. Just saying my goodbyes." I reply. 

"I'm going to Marsh Creek with Sam and Randy." Shea says. 

My mom just gives Shea a threatening look. She knows that the three of them are a bad combo. "As long as the two of you meet me at the airport at 3:30 we're fine. Don't be late." She says, and we both walk off to meet our friends. 

I saw my best friend Sarah waiting for me in the parking lot. As soon as we saw each other she ran over and basically tackled me into a hug. 

"Please please convince your mom to let you stay! You know my parents wouldn't mind you living with us, they love you!" she says so quickly I probably wouldn't have understood if I hadn't heard her argument so many times before. 

"Sar, that's really sweet of you, but you know I can't. Mom wouldn't allow it, and we need to be there for Ty." I reply, trying to sound as if I was as sad as she was. She pulled away and put her hands on my shoulders. 

"Well fine, but we're going to have a kick ass last day. I have it all planned out." she said, and starts skipping back to her car like a mischievous child. 

I groaned. This was going to be worse than I thought. 



Okay so this is my first story, and I am honestly terrified to put it out there for people to read, but I'm going to do it anyways. As you can see, this isn't going to be a super quick book like some of the others I've found on here, but I'm not going to drag on this PA part much longer. Also, sorry for how awkward it might sound, like I said this is my first story and it's stressing me out but I love writing so I'm doing it anyways. Please feel free to leave me feedback, it would be v helpful. Okay if you read this i love you. good bye. *and also s/o to my real life friend Kat who doesn't know i used her name in here, you rock kid*

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