Chapter 10- Family Tree

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I walked into the lunch room and was surprised to find our normally empty lunch table filled with people. I noticed Allison had joined our table next to Scott, as well as Lydia, Danny, and some other kid. I noticed an empty seat next to Stiles and took it before any other newcomers could grab it. 

I leaned closer to Stiles. "Not that I'm complaining," I whispered, "But why are they here?" I asked. 

He looked at me with dramatically wide eyes and shrugged his shoulders. Jackson walked over to the table and told the kid sitting next to Lydia to move. 

"Why don't you ever ask Danny to move?" the kid whined. 

Danny looked at him with a smirk. "Because I don't stare at his girlfriend's coin slot." he said. I couldn't help but snicker at his joke. Danny seemed like a funny guy. 

"So I hear they're saying that it's some type of animal attack. Maybe a cougar?" Danny said. 

"I heard mountain lion." Jackson argued. 

"They're the same thing." Lydia said, rolling her eyes. She seemed to realize what she said and faked stupid. "Isn't it?" she said, adding confusion to her voice. I rolled my eyes at her. I could see right through her act, and I got so annoyed by people who acted stupid to preserve some sort of image.

"Who cares?" Jackson said, with no sympathy. "The guy is probably some homeless tweaker who's going to die anyways."  I was appalled at his general inability to show any sort of respect or kindness towards anyone. What was wrong with this guy? I opened my mouth to put him in his place, but Stiles stopped me. 

"Actually I just found out who it is." he said, working with something on his phone. "Check this out." he said, and turned the phone so that everyone could see. 

A video came up of a news story that said that the man that was injured was a bus driver who was now in critical condition at a near by hospital. I heard Scott gasp quietly and looked up at him. 

"I know this guy." Scott said. 

"You do?" I asked, confused. 

"Yeah, he used to be my bus driver, back when I stayed at my dad's house." he said. 

Stiles and I just stared at him, completely shocked. The fact that Scott knew this guy at some point made the situation even more suspicious than before. 

"Can we please talk about something more fun?" Lydia whined. "Like...Oh!" she said with more enthusiasm, sitting up straight in her chair and looking at Allison. "Where are we going tomorrow night?"

Scott and Allison looked at Lydia confused. 

"You guys said you were hanging out tomorrow night, right?" Lydia asked.

I saw the realization dawn on Allison's face. "Um, we were thinking of what we were going to do." she said, trying to politely find a way out of including Lydia and Jackson in their date. I looked at Stiles and he looked horrified. 

"Well I am not sitting hom again watching lacrosse videos, so if the four of us are hanging out, we are doing something fun." Lydia emphasized. 

"Hanging out?" Scott asked, clearly surprised. "Like the four of us?" I just shook my head at the situation, and saw Stiles cover his mouth out of the corner of my eye. "You wanna hang out like... us and them?" he continued, asking Allison. 

"Yeah." Allison said, sounding unsure. "I guess. I mean, it sounds fun."

"You know what else sounds fun?" Jackson said, pickingup a fork. "Stabbing myself in the face with this fork." he said harshly before Lydia grabbed it out of his hand. 

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