Chapter 26- Answers and Questions

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My eyes were open but I couldn't see anything. I thought for a moment that I'd gone blind, when I saw a small white glowappear a few feet in front of me. It occurred to me that I was in a place so dark that the blackness felt permeable. My eyes focused on the only source of light as it moved around like the lightning bugs we used to have in our backyard. It started to grow, becoming brighter and brighter as it grew. Suddenly, it flashed and I had to cover my eyes as a blinding light met my eyes. I opened my eys to see the light fading and moved my arm. And standing right in front of me was... myself.

The other me was dressed in a long white dress with intricate silver thread sewn into it. The top had lace covering parts of it, and smalls stones had been sewn onto it. Some shined like diamonds and others looked like the quartz I used to find in the woods back home. Her skin was much paler than mine with a smull covering of freckles on her face. Her long hair was darker than mine, and hung in waves down to her hips. She had some sort of crown of leaves on her head, but instead of being normal leaves, they were completely white. I watched as her unnaturally light blue eyes stared at me intently, watching me.

"You seemed to have created somewhat of a conflict, my dear Maebh." she said, and let out a small laugh. "It is odd to talk as if you're talking to yourself, is it not?" she asked me.

"Yes, very odd." I said slowly. "Are you... are you Maebh? The one I am descended from?" I asked her. She opened her mouth to respond, but a form materialized beside her. It looked similar to when you drop ink into water and disappates; at first just the form of the person appeared, but then their features seemed to focus in. I noticed it immediately as Ailill. He gave me a small smirk before turning to look at the 'other' me.

"In the flesh." he said. "Why have you come?" he asked me, as he continued to stare at the original Maebh.

"Because she is reaching her full potential." I heard Deirdre say before she, too, materialized on the other side of Maebh. She smiled warmly at me. "You've almost surpassed your abilities, haven't you?" she asked.

"I'm not sure." I told her, slightly confused as to what she was talking about.

"You must regain your strength." Maebh told me, and even her voice sounded ancient and cryptic."Rely on those closest to your heart and soul." she said. She turned and returned Ailill's stare with one  of her own. "I'm sure you can find some people that will help you with that." she said and smiled at me. Deirdre walked closer to me, putting a hand on the side of my face.

"Rest now, warrior." she said lightly. "Worse is still yet to come for you." she told me and passed her hand in front of my face. I felt my eyes close instinctively as I fell back to a dreamless sleep.


I woke up on a soft surface. I opened my eyes to realize that I was in a bed, but not my own. I looked around frantically and began to recognize the room at Scott's. I was laying on one side, curled up in a ball. I turned over and jumped when I saw Stiles on the other side. He had his back propped up against Scott's headboard and he was asleep.

He was hilarious when he slept. His mouth was hanging open and his head had fallen to the side like a little kid when they fall asleep in their car seat. He was snoring softly, but as I scooted closer to him, he snorted and woke himself up. I couldn't help but laugh at him. His eyes opened and he looked around, completely confused.

"What?" he asked, as if someone had called him. He looked at me and smiled lazily. "Oh good, you're awake." he said, throwing his one arm around my shoulders. He laid back for a second and closed his eyes. "Do you want to explain why you were at Derek's?" he asked.

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