Chapter 36- Not All Those Who Wander Are Lost

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"It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to." - J.R.R. Tolkien 


Surprisingly enough, when I woke up at Deaton's, I woke up alone. There was a blindingly bright light above me, and the examination table I was on was hard and cold. But I was alive and breathing, and that was enough. 

I sat up slowly, not at all missing my clothing change. Instead of the jeans and shirt I had been wearing earlier, I was wearing a pair of sweats that were obviously too big for me and what seemed like one of the vet's uniform t-shirts. I groaned as I felt the pounding in my head, and closed my eyes. I was completely disoriented. I didn't know if we had won the battle or lost the battle or if anyone was hurt. I didn't understand what was going on at all. 

"Peter's dead." I heard a blank voice say from the direction of the door. I felt a smile form on my face as I opened my eyes. 

"You're alive." I said happily. Derek didn't say anything as he walked further into the room, leaning against the counter in front of me. "Where is everyone?" I asked. 

"Well, the younger Argent went home with Jackson. Scott is, most likely, with her at the moment. Chris had some things to take care of, but I believe he went home as well. And Stiles-" he said, and I felt my heart pick up pace slightly, "Stiles was here up until just a few minutes ago, because he wouldn't leave," Derek informed me with a roll of his eyes, "but his dad and their officers found my house, and he ordered him to go home." 

"When does he ever listen to his dad?" I asked jokingly, mostly to myself, but I saw the ghost of a smile form on Derek's face for just a split second. 

There was a brief silence between us. I looked at Derek. He didn't seem too badly beaten now, his wounds long since healed. In fact, if anything, he looked stronger. 

Deaton walked in then, with a warm smile on his face. I had only met him a few other times around town, but he seemed like a really nice guy. 

"Ah, good to see that you're awake Maebh. You had me worried for a minute there." He said, walking over to a clipboard that was sitting at the end of the table. He immediately started scribbling some sort of notes on it. My eyebrows furrowed together as I took in what he said. 

"I did?" I questioned. He finished writing whatever he was writing before looking back up at me. 

"Well, yes, you lost a substantial amount of blood and you have deep bruising in several places. Your body is too weak to heal now; most of your power has been spent for the time being. I had to give you stitches because you can't currently heal, so I'll give you a slip to explain how to take care of those." He said, turning back to his sheet. "Your friend, Carly, might think you can go and repair your energy like you did last time, but that is not the case. Just rest for a week or two, and heal at a normal rate for now, alright?" he asked, ripping off his paper and handing it to me. He looked up at me expectantly and I nodded. 

"I will." I assured him. He gave me another one of his smiles, and helped me down off the table. 

"Now, you'll have to be careful of where you have stitches, but other than that, I will see you in three days to check in with you." he said, and Derek came up next to me, draping my unbandaged arm around his shoulders and slipping an arm around my waist to help hold me up. We said our goodbyes to Deaton and walked out to the parking lot. Derek helped me into his car with only minor complaints from me, and we took off towards my house. 

"Thank you for staying until I woke up." I told him honestly. He gave me a faint nod and kept focused on the road. "And... I'm sorry for mistrusting you." I told him, looking out my own window. "You were right, I didn't understand. I don't understand werewolves at all and I don't think I ever will. But that gave me no reason to jump to the conclusions the way I did."  Derek didn't say anything to this, but I knew that he understood. He's not a mushy guy, so I didn't really expect him to say anything, but I had to get it off my chest. We sat in comfortable silence for the last few minutes of our drive before he pulled into my driveway. He helped me out of the car and to my front door, but it was just understood that it wouldn't be a good idea for him to be here when my family was. As soon as he was safely back out onto the road, I rang the doorbell. 

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