Chapter 6- Not Anymore

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I was jolted awake as I felt my bed shake with the force of a body crashing onto it.

“Wakey wakey sleeping beauty!” I heard Stiles yell. I peaked one of my eyes open to see him laying across my bed with a brown paper bag in his hand. Clearly, he had just belly flopped onto my bed to wake me up. He shot me a smile before reaching into the bag he was holding and pulling out a donut. He shoved a huge bite into his mouth and chewed for a bit before looking at me. “Don’t worry, I got you one too.” He said, holding up the bag and shaking it for evidence. I heard the beautiful sound of a breakfast pastry crashing around before I fully woke up. I quickly glanced down at myself to see that I had snuggled under my blankets at some point in the night, covering myself from the stomach down. I threw my arm over my eyes and groaned.

“Stiles?” I said. I could hear him gulp down the chunk of donut that he was chewing before answering.

“Yeah buddy?” he replied.

“I’m not wearing pants.” I told him. I glanced over at him to see his face go completely blank.

“Was that an invitation or…?” he asked, waggling his eyebrows at me.

I rolled my eyes. “Just, close your eyes or something while I grab pants.” I said. I saw him slap his hands over his eyes before I stood up. I knew my shirt was long enough to cover everything, and I was also past the point of caring. I walked over to my closet and grabbed a pair of shorts before walking back to Stiles. I flopped face first down on the bed next to him.

“So what do I owe the pleasure of this fine visit at-“ I squinted at my clock, “9 in the morning?! And how did you get my mom to let you up here?” I asked.

He snorted. “Being the sheriff’s son has it’s perks you know. Like, I automatically become 90% more credible than the rest of the teenage male population in this town. And mothers love me.” He said, shooting me a grin. “So that answers that question. And I’m here because I thought I would fill you in on our dear friend Scotty.”

All of the sudden, the events of the previous night came flooding back to me. I flailed on the bed for a moment before grabbing my ankle. Shit, it was still there.

“Woah, woah, woah Maebh, when did you get tatted up?” Stiles asked as he sat up to examine my ankle closer.

Right above my ankle bone on my left leg, there was a black outline of a moon with a face; like something you would see in a children’s book. I didn’t know how it got there, and I had been hoping that I’d dreamt it.

“I didn’t.” I sighed. “Are you ready for some more mind-blowing bullshit?” I asked him.

“I doubt you could surprise me at this point.” He said, shrugging. "How did it get there?" Stiles asked.

"I don't know." I sighed. "My ankle hurt and then when I got home I found this." I said gesturing to the tattoo.

I saw Stiles move his arm towards it and I sucked in a breath. It felt wrong for him to touch it for some reason, but at the same time I wanted him to. He looked at me before running his fingers lightly over my ankle, tracing the outlines of the tattoo.

I felt the strangest sensation, and then everything went black.
I was lying on my back in a meadow. Looking around, I was confused. The meadow was completely illuminated, but instead of the golden sunlight I was used to, the area was covered in a silver glow. I looked up and realized why. Instead of the sun, I saw a full moon positioned in the middle of the sky.
I looked down at myself. I knew I must be having another dream or something because I was, yet again, dressed in a floor-length medieval dress. I stood up and took in my surroundings. All of the sudden, I felt someone behind me. I turned around to see Deirdre standing just a few feet away from me. She seemed a lot better than she had last time I saw her, when she had been panicked and most likely facing certain death.

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