Chapter 12- Everybody and Their Sister

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"Ouch!" I yelped as I slammed my elbow into the frame of my bathroom cabinet. I'd been trying to find my hair straightener for twenty minutes without luck. My hair was already straight, but I wanted to make sure it looked nice. Today was a big day. 

Today was the day Carly was visiting. 

To say that we were all excited was an understatement. I think Tyler was having a heart attack because of how we were all acting. Shea was being helpful for some reason and helping vacuum and clean the house. My mom had gone out to the grocery store to buy food, most likely more than we would ever actually eat. And I was straightening my hair. 

With a huff, I gave up my search and went to the garage to look through the boxes there. There were only three boxes left, and I was pretty sure they were all mine do to my recent lazy streak. Sure enough, on the third and final box I looked through, I found my straightener. I was so proud of myself that I literally patted myself on the back before running back up to my room. 

I straightened my hair in minutes flat, until it was pin straight. Straightened, it came all the way down to my belly button instead of just stopping at the bottom of my rib cage. I guess it was a little wavier than I had thought. I decided to put on a little more make up than I usually wore, layering some eyeshadow and adding eyeliner. When I was satisfied that I looked presentable enough for our guest, I went downstairs. I had already put on my favorite blue dress with a white jacket, and was proud and how hard I had tried for this girl. Usually, I couldn't really be bothered with my appearence. At least, not as much as other girls. 

"So, Ty, when is she coming over?" I asked. 

"Not until 4:30" he said, shaking his head. "I don't understand why you're all freaking out right now. It's only 12." 

"Well, we just want to be prepred. This is a new occurance in this family." I told him. 

He looked at me, surprised. "You've never brought someone to meet your family?" he asked. 

I shook my head, and Shea snickered. "Not really an expansive history for her, Ty." he said. 

I glared at him. "And whose fault was that, Shea?" I snapped at him. "Maybe if you would stop threatening to dismember every guy I talk to, then we wouldn't have this problem." I said, crossing my arms like a child. 

"And what about you, Shea? You've never brought someone to meet your mom?" he asked, turning to Shea. This time, it was my turn to snicker. 

"He wouldn't dare. He mostly dates girls that aren't really my mom's taste, if you know what I mean." I said, winking at Tyler.

But that wasn't entirely true. Shea had brought one girl home to meet our mom, and she had loved her. We all had, and I was sure Shea had too. But after a year of dating, of Shea being completely whipped and a model boyfriend, he found out that she was cheating on him with his "best friend". To keep it short, they aren't friends anymore, and Shea hasn't had a steady girlfriend since. He's just stuck to flings, and I think it breaks my mom's heart a bit. 

I saw Shea give me a vicious glare and i could tell that he was thinking the same thing. I felt kind of bad for bringing it up, but he had brough it upon himself. 

"Any dessert requests?" I asked, walking over to the fridge and grabbing an apple. 

"Can you make the cake?" Shea asked. 

"Yeah sure. Is that okay with you Ty?" I asked him, a little hesitant to make anything because of the other night. Which reminds me...

I couldn't tell if I had dreamt my conversation with Stiles or not. I could only guess that it was really considering I was in my bed when I woke up, and I clearly hadn't fallen asleep there. Shea would have just left me on the couch, which left me to believe that Stiles had carried me upstairs. I felt kind of guilty for falling asleep when we were supposed to be hanging out, but I couldn't say I was disappointed with how things had turned out. I was surprised that he had told me so much about him and his mom, and I felt pretty honored that he did. I would have to call him later and ask him about the bus driver.

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