Chapter 28- Not Your Sister

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I groaned as my alarm clock blared through my room, somehow farther away than usual. I realized that my back hurt from being hunched over and that the surface I was laying on was way too hard to be my pillow. I opened my eyes and saw that I had literally fallen alseep on my homework. Again.

I scowled as I slowly sat up, my back shooting pain in the process. One of my papers was stuck to my cheek and I swatted it away angrily.

"Fuck school." I muttered to myself. I stood up and stretched, cracking my back and moving my joints before walking over and malicioulsy pucnhing my alarm clock to get it to shut up. I set my alarm really early because I usually just hit the snooze button a few times to fully wake myself up, but I knew I couldn't go back to sleep today. Since I had some extra time, I decided to go downstairs and make myself some tea to help me function. I went downstairs and made my tea and felt a million times better after I drank some of it. When I came back up to my room, I made sure to stomp around outside Shea's room to wake him up. I knew he didn't wake up until literally ten minutes before he left because he was a guy and didn't need to actually worry about getting ready, so waking him up early was his punishment for kicking me out last night.

I shuffled back to my room and got dressed, slipping on some jeans and my boots with a white tank top and a green jacket. I was pretty proud of myself. I actually tried for school today. Go me! I was putting on my makeup when I heard my phone buzz on my bedside table. I walked over and snatched it up, seeing that I got a text from Allison.

"Hey, bring a bathing suit today. I might go for a swim after school and you're coming with me." she wrote. I shrugged and decided that it seemed harmless enough. I didn't take gym at Beacon Hills because I already filled my gym credits back in Pennsylvania, but I knew they had a pool. I didn't know if I needed some sort of ugly one piece uniform from the school to be able to swim there, but I didn't have one. I grabbed one of my more modest bikinis out of my closet and threw it in my old gym bag along with a towel and a change of clothes. Then I gathered my homework that I had thrown around my room this morning and packed it up before heading downstairs.

When I walked into the kitchen I found Tyler hunched over the counter, asleep, with his head next to a now soggy bowl of Lucky Charms.

"Ty." I said, walking over and nudging him on the shoulder. He didn't even stir. "Ty!" I shouted, and his head snapped up and he looked around groggily.

"What?" he asked confused. He seemed to realize what was going on, and looked at me. "Oh, shit! Sorry May. I didn't realize I fel asleep." he said, and looked down at his soggy cereal with dismay.

"Long night?" I asked, and he nodded sadly. I could see the dark circles clearly under his eyes, and I started to worry that something was happening with him and Carly. I pursed my lips.

"Me too." I told him. "Don't worry about it, we'll stop at that cafe and get something to eat before school." I said, and he smiled widely. He followed me out to my Monty, and we took off.

"So what's up?" I asked.

"It's Carly." he said on a sigh. "I think she's cheating on me."

"Why do you say that?" I asked suspiciously. Cousin, protector, or whatever, Tyler was still my little baby cousin and if she broke his heart then I'd have to break something of hers at one of our training sessions.

"Well, she's always busy. And whenever I ask her what she's doing she always makes up these stupid excuses. She even ditched me after practice the other day." he told me sadly, and I realized what was going on.

"Oh, don't worry about it." I told him before I realized what I was saying. He shot me a confused look. "I mean, I know why she's doing that. And it has nothing to do with you. Actually, it has something to do with me." I said. I knew I couldn't tell him the whole truth, but I could try to prevent the end of this relationship. "I'm the one who has been stealing her from you. She's helping me with something." I told him.

"With what?" he asked suspiciously.

"It's top secret." I said quickly, pulling into the parking lot of the local backery. "Now go get a donut and stop asking questions."


I was walking to my English class when, of course, trouble walked into me first.

"Maebh!" Stiles called to me as he and Scott walked down the hall.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked, joining them.

"Jackson knows that Scott is a werewolf." Stiles said cheerily. "Isn't that exciting?"

"What?" I asked. "How?"

"I don't know." Scott said, "He just walked up to me and hinted about it pretty freaking clearly earlier."

We were all quiet as we thought this over, and Stiles was the first to break the silence.

"I have an idea, but it's going to take some time to finesse." he said. He looked between the two of us. "You guys have English class together with Allison right?" he asked.

"Yeah." we replied at the same time, and Stiles rolled his eyes. He turned to Scott. "Remember what we discussed?" he asked, and Scott nodded. "Get the necklace." he ordered and walked off. I gave Scott a questioning look and he shook his head at me, silently telling me that I didn't want to know. We walked to English together, and Allison looked at the two of us. Her eyes snapped to Scott before forcefully flickering to me. She quickly patted the desk next to me, and I gave Scott an apologetic look before taking it. He sat behind me and got his phone out as class started it. I couldn't tell wat he was doing, but I heard Allison's cellphone buzz a few seconds later. I looked between the two of them, and noticed Allison's face fall.

"Today class..." the teacher started, but I couldn't pay attention. I watched as Allison's phone buzzed again in her hand, and she looked almost in tears. She gave me a tearful glance before gathering her things and running out of the classroom. The teacher only looked mildly surprise, and made some sort of literary joke about it before going back to class. Scott sprinted out after her, and I felt my stomach drop as I realized that I would, yet again, have to affect my schoolwork by taking care of werewolf business. As much as I loved my friends it was getting annoying.

I dug through my backpack, pulling out my stack of English homework and slamming it down on the teacher's desk before sprinting out of the room. Oh well, at least I tried.

I found Scott and Allison in the hallway, Allison officially crying and Scott completely confused. I watched Allison walk off and turned to Scott.

"What happened?" I asked.

"I don't know." he said slowly. "Stiles said to remind her of the good times, so I sent her pictures of us-" he started, and I sighed.

"It was a sweet try," I said sincerely. "But that was really not the thing to do in this situation." I said, and jogged off after her. I found her leaning against a locker in the middle of the hallway and walked over to her.

She looked at me sadly and sighed. "I'm sorry, I'm usually not this teary." she apologized.

"It's fine." I said, giving her a smile. "You don't have to apologize for being human."

It's crazy how many meanings that actually had.


Scott and I were having a polite conversation when Stiles tripped his way to his seat and sat down.

"So how did it go?" he asked Scott as he sat down. Scott and I exhanged a look before he answered.

"Not well. She said she doesn't want to talk to me." he said dejectedly. I watched as Stiles shoved a giant piece of chicken in his mouth. Why did I like this kid again?

"So you're not getting the necklace?" he said, his mouth full of food.

"No." Scott said pointedly.

Stiles sighed and grabbed his chocolate milk. "Okay, I came up with a plan in case something like this happened." he told us.

"What is it?" I asked curiously. He looked between us as if it was obvious.

"Just steal the stupid thing." he said with a shrug. Scott opened his mouth to protest, but shut it as he saw something behind me.

"Jackson is watching me." he mumbled, and looked away. I turned to look at him, and Scott freaked out.

"Stop it! You can't both look! He'll know we're talking about him!" he panicked, but shut up as he flinched like something had hurt him.

"Scot what's wrong?" I asked, worried.

"He knows I can hear him." he said. He looked at Stiles. "Say something!" he demanded desperately. Stiles eyes widened.

"Uh... Um I don't know." he stumbled. His mouth opened and closed a few times as he searched for something to say. "I'm drawing a complete blank." he told him.

"What?" Scott asked incredulously. He seemed to tune us out as he listened to Jackson. I noticed his hands grip his lunch tray tighter and tigheter as his face darkened.

"Scott." I warned, trying to shake him out of his anger, but it didn't work. All of the sudden, his tray snapped in half and the cafeteria went silent, staring at him. He was breathing heavily, and didn't even seem to notice what he'd done.

"Scott." I said gently. He looked down at his tray and shook his head before storming out of the cafeteria.

"Well." Stiles said. "That probably could have gone better."


Allison caught me at my locker at the end of school.

"So, will you still go for that swim with me?" she asked me.

"Yeah of course." I promised with a smile.

"Okay, great. Uh, you wouldn't mind if Jackson joined us, would you?" she asked hopefully.

I fought to keep my smile from falling. Of course jackson would be there. "No, not at all." I told her.

"Great!" she chirped happily. "I'll meet you in the locker room." she sain, and walked off. I shut my locker door and let my head fall against it.

"Fuck me." I muttered.

"Gladly." I heard someone say, and turned my head to see Stiles standing next to me. "What's wrong?" he asked.

"Allison wants me to go swimming with her after school." I said. "With Jackson."

"This is perfect!" Stiles shouted.

"Well, I would generally argue the opposite but I guess-" I started but he interrupted me.

"No, I mean we can try and steal the necklace while you guys are swimming." he said. He looked in my at my gym bag that I had sat on the floor and quickly picked it up, shoving it in my arms. He grabbed my shoulders and turned me towards the locker rooms, giving me a little push. "Go, hurry." he urged. I glared at him before walking off to the locker room.

When I got there, Allison was already dressed in a cute green bikini. I felt 100 times better knowing that I wouldn't be the only one wearing one. She wrapped a towel around herself and sat down on a bench while I grabbed my bathing suit. I changed, mastering the art of getting redressed with clothes on.

"That's cute!" She complimented me as I looked in the mirror. It was a plain black bikini that appropriately covered everything. at least, I thought so. I thanked her and we made our way out to the pool. As we walked out I saw Stiles leaning against the wall outside the locker room exit. Allison gave me a questioning look and I rolled my eyes.

"Who knows." I said, answering her silent question. "I'll meet you in the pool." I told her and she nodded before walking over to the pool. "Save me a lane!" I called over to her and she smiled before getting in the pool.

I walked over to Stiles and he didn't seem to notice me for a second, but when he did notice me, he really did. His mouth actually dropped open.

"What's wrong, Stilinkski?" I questioned teasingly. "Never seen a girl in a bikini before?"

"What's wrong, Stilinski?" She asked me innocently. "Never seen a girl in a bikini before?"

I couldn't do much more than state at her. Of course I had seen girls in bikinis before, but this was Maebh freaking Clery. The girl I was pretty much dating. Standing in front of me with very little clothing on. I couldn't decide if I wanted her to keep the bikini on or find a giant robe to cover her with and make her change.

"Uh..." Was all I could get out as I stared at her. I watched as her cheeks reddened and she stepped closer to me.

"You have a little drool." She whispered. "Right here." She finished and brushed her thumb along the corner of my lips. I smiled, trying to act unaffected.

"Ha ha, very funny." I remarked as she stepped back. "So, Scott is looking for the 'thing' now and I'm heading back to my house." I told her.

"I'll just meet you after this then?" She asked me, motioning to Allison and Jackson in the pool. As I looked behind her I saw one guy blatantly check out her back side and I fought the urge to punch him knowing I couldn't win that fight. I was more of a verbal violence kind of guy.

"Yeah sure." I told her and she smiled and went to turn away. Before she could, I thought of something and grabbed her wrist to pull her back. She gave me a confused look.

"Can you do me a favor and come straight to my house when you're done?" I asked her. "As in, no running off to get yourself killed."

She had the decency to look ashamed as she nodded. She leaned in to give me a quick kiss, or at least she tried, but I pulled her closer. I felt her slap me on the arm harmlessly and smiled as I let her go.

"Pervert." She muttered, and walked away. I watched her walk over to the pool, but stopped when I noticed Jackson looking at me. He gave me a smirk that looked pure evil. I felt anger rise in my chest. It was enough for him to go after Allison, but to go after Maebh too? Seriously? Didn't have anything better to do?

I shook my head and walked off.

I had a date to get to.


Adter two painful hours with Jackson and Allison in the pool, I was finally on my way to Stiles's house. Jackson had spent the entire time doing a combination of flirting and being nice and it was starting to give me whiplash. I'd never met someone as coniving as him. 

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