Chapter 15- The Hunter and the Hunted

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"Wake me up what it's all over, when I'm wiser and I'm older"


I walked through the lunch line, not seeing anything appetizing. The one lunch lady tried to hand a bowl of some form of soup, and I shook my head quickly. She gave me a disapproving look and waved me aside. I grabbed a muffin and some yogurt and went over to the lunch table. 

It was just Stiles, Scott, and I because Allison, Lydia, and Jackson all had class. 

Scott turned to me. "So you know about the fire that killed almost all of Derek's family?" he asked in a hushed tone. I nodded. "Well he thinks the Argents did it, specifically Allison's aunt, Kate. The one that just came into town."

"The one who shot him." I said obviously. 

"Yeah." Stiles replied slowly. "So Derek took him to see his uncle, Peter, last night. Apparently he survived." he told me. 

"But he was burned so badly that he's unresponsive." Scott said. "I can't believe it." 

"I can." I said, surprising them. "You should have seen her the other day. She's crazy." 

"But that doesn't mean she's a killer." Scott said defensively. 

"Well, she was at dinner with you last night, wasn't she?" I asked, and he nodded reluctantly. "What did you think of her?" I said, folding my hands in front of me, and giving him my full attention. 

He looked down at my hands for a second before meeting my eyes. "She seemed... devious." he said. "Like the kind of person that would backstab you." he admitted. I sat back in my chair, satisifed. 

"Exactly. I'm not saying that she did or didn't do it, I'm just saying that I believe him. It's more than likely that she did." I told him and he looked resigned. I sat forward. "Hey, look." I said, and he looked up at me. "I'm not saying Allison is. I don't think she has the capacity to hurt someone, to be honest." I told him quietly. "Don't worry, alright?" he nodded and turned to Stiles. 

"well, now that that  pleasant conversatoin is over," Stiles said sarcastically. "who's ready for parent teacher conferences tomorrow night?" 

I groaned. I had forgotten. 

"Not me." Scott muttered. "I'm failing like all of my classes. I have to go." he told us. If you had below a 'C' average in a class, you had to go the meeting with your parents. 

"So, Maebh?" Stiles asked, turning to me. He was purposely ignoring Scott. "Want to hang out tomorrow night?" he asked. 

"Why yes, Stiles, I would love to." I said, batting my eyes dramatically. 

"You two suck." Scott complained. "It's not like I'm purposely failing my classes. I have a lot on my plate right now." He mumbled. 

"I know Scott." I said sympathetically. "Maybe tomorrow will help."

"Hopefully it will."


I walked into the kitchen when I got home to see my mom sitting at the kitchen table. She had her hands folded on the table, staring off into space. 

"Have a seat." she said in monotone. 

I sat accross from her, and waited patiently. 

"Your father didn't just leave." she said. "He had other...duties."

"What do you mean?" I asked. 

"His family is a little different." she explained. "You're the descendents of a very powerful family from ancient Ireland."

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