Chapter 31- Formally Known As...

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This was the most perfect moment I had ever experienced. The sun was streaming through my room in one of the most beautiful ways possible and one of my favorite people was lying next to me. Wow, I sound like such a sap right now. But it was true. I looked down at Stiles with a smile, noticing weird little things about him. Like how his hair was such an entertaining mess. Or how his eyes were all squinty because he had just woken up. Or how his shirt pulled up because his arms crossed under his head, and I could see a few inches of his stomach. Or how much that just made me want his shirt off. Now. 

But, of course it was all interuppted by this beautiful thing called 'reality'. 

My eyes were going to pop out of my skull. My mother was going to come in here. And she was going to see Stiles in my bed. And she was going to see me in my pajamas. And she was going to put an assumptuous two and two together. And hopefully my eyes would fall out of my head and I would die before she could kill me. 

"Maebh, it's fine." Stiles said cautiously, sitting up and moving towards me as if I was a frightened animal. He held his hands out in a not threatneing gesutre. 

"I can't breathe." I said, my eyes flitting around the room nervously. I could clearly breathe, and I was well aware that I was being a drama queen, but he wasn't seeming to grasp the severity of the situation. My mom could handle a lot of things. For God's sake, she was dealing with me and my Maebh drama all the time. But me with a boy in my bed? That was something I knew she wouldn't take kindly. 

All of the sudden I heard my door knob moving, and I literally leaped off of my bed and sprinted to my door before it opened. I didn't make in time, though, and the intruder pushed the door open against my best attempts to close it. 

Shea looked into my room and gaped at the sight. As soon as I realized it was him, I grabbed his arm. 

"Holy SHIT!" he shouted, and I yanked him into my room, slamming the door shut behind me. I saw an evil grin form on his face, and I quickly slapped a hand over his mouth. I gave him my most deadly glare as I stared him down. 

"If you talk above a whisper once I move my hand, I will personally castrate you." I threatened, and I saw his eyes widen before he reluctantly nodded. 

"Jesus." he muttered. "Someone's hostile this morning. I thought sex was supposed to mellow you out." he said nonchalantly. I felt a blush creep all the way up from my neck as I stared at my brother, completely apalled. 

"We did not have sex! He just stayed over because it was late." I said, crossing my arms over my chest. I tried not to think about how I had stupidly worn such little clothing to bed last night, and how it was really not helping my argument.

"Mom's going to have a cow." Shea continued, amused. 

I swallowed my pride. "Please don't tell her." I begged. 

"I can't make anypromises." Shea said, reaching for the door. He shot Stiles a deadly glare, and opened it. "But you might be able to buy my silence in food." he said, and walked out. 

"You're so irritating!" I shouted at the doorway where Shea had been just seconds before. I stomped my foot like a little kid before walking back over to Stiles. "Come on," I said reluctantly, "You have to go."

He jutted his lip out a little bit in a pout, and I'll be honest that it almost worked. Almost. 

I reached a hand out to him, and he took it, rolling off of my bed. He quickly stumbled around my room, finding his shoes and pulling them on. While he slipped them on, I went over to my window and pushed it open, pulling the screen off from outside, and pulling it into my room, I sat it against the wall, and turned around to find Stiles right in front of me. He put a hand on either side of my face, and pressed his lips to mine. I forgot to have an anxiety attack as my lips moved against his. I wrapped my hands behind his neck and pulled him closer, and felt his arms wrap around my waist. I really wanted to just stay there all day and make out, like any other horny teenager, but I knew that we were currently in the middle of a life or death crisis. Without breaking our kiss I reached behind me and unlatched his hands before pulling away. 

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