Chapter 29- Grace is Gone

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P.S. , the song is the inspo for the name of this chapter. It kind of reminds me of Papa Stilinski, so listen to it if you want. Enjoy!


Walking in on werewolf drama sucked.

The thought just kept running through my head as I viciously attacked a bowl of lucky charms. My head still hurt from being thrown into a wall, even though my mom had checked it out last night and said it was just some bruising and nothing serious. Carly had called and explained that she hadn't been able to help because whatever had happened last night between Peter and I was meant to happen. As in, she physically couldn't leave her house because of it. And I had to endure getting thrown into a wall because it was just a rite of passage.

I repeat: walking in on werewolf drama sucked.

Stiles drove us to the school after we left the hospital to find Scott and his dad. Scott had apparently been visited by Peter and Derek before we got to him, and looked just as defeated as we probably did. Stiles's dad was extremely confused as to where he had been, but Stiles made up some vague excuse and he didn't question it. Stiles's drove me home considering I was completely exhausted and bleeding from multiple injuries, so I was going over to his house later to pick up my car.

Oh right, one positive of the night: we were official. Maybe not lable-ly, extreme PDA official, but we were official to each other none the less. And that was... insane. I felt a stupid smile spread across my face just thinking about it and some marshmallows accidentally fell out of my mouth because I had forgotten that I was eating.

"Attractive." I heard Shea comment as he walked into the kitchen. He stupidly walked by my seat and I punched him in the arm.

"Shut up." I muttered.

"What's got you smiling like that?" he asked, without looking at me. Luckily he wasn't because I was blushing like crazy. What was this? I was never like this before. He glanced at me, noticing the blush, and smirked even wider. "Or I guess I should say, 'who'?"

"I don't know." I countered. "How about you tell me who has you up on the phone all night?" I questioned.

He pursed his lips as he finally grabbed a bottle of water out of the fridge and standing in front of me across the counter. He opened his water bottle and took a sip, thinking.

"It seems that we've reached an impasse." he said solemnly.

"Okay, how about I'll answer your question if you answer mine?" I offered. He nodded his head.

"You first." we both said at the same time. I sighed, giving in. It wasn't like I had anything to hide anymore since Stiles had actually 'asked me out', if that's what the kids call it these days.

"I'm dating Stiles Stilinski." I blurbed and I saw his eyes widen.

"And when do I get to meet him?" he asked authoritatively.

"You already have." I pointed out. He opened his mouth to fire more questions and commands at me, but I cut him off.

"Tell me about this girl." I said, raising my eyebrow.

"Her name is C-" he started, but his phone rang. He glanced at it and a familiar smile surfaced. "Speak of the devil." He said under his breath, and began to walk away.

"That's not fair!" I called after him as he sprinted up the stairs.

I sighed and went back to my cereal. I would find out someday.

I finished my cereal and went upstairs to get dressed. I was going to leave for the Stilinki residence soon because i had slept in until 2. So much for my sleep schedule. 

I walked into my room and headed for my closet. I was sifting through my clothes when I heard a throat clear behind me. I yelped and turned around. 

I saw Derek standing in the middle of my bedroom with his hands in his pockets, his face a mixture of boredom and discomfort. Even though he's been there before, it was still odd to see him. His dark appearence was such a stark contrast to the pale colors I had used to decorate my room. 

"What are you doing here?" I snapped at him angrily. "Don't you have places to be? People to kill?" I said snidely, walking towards him. A look of annoyance settled on his face. 

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