Chapter 25- Errands

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I was at my locker when Scott seemed to materialize next to me.

"Can I talk to you for a second?" he asked tiredly.

"Yeah, of course." I told him as I put my last binder in my bag and shut the locker. He nodded his head toward one of the classrooms and I followed him. He shut the door behind me and stood for a minute. After a while, I went over and sat on one of the desks.

"Scott?" I asked hesitatnly. "Is everything alright?"

"Oh, yeah, everything's fine." he said, sounding more like his normal self. He turned towards and walked over to me. "I just wanted to ask you about something."

"Ookay." I said, getting more nervous by the second. I saw him pause for a second, and it looked like he was sniffing the air.

"You don't have to be nervous." he said, but the smile that formed on his face was anything be reassuring. He looked... demonic. He stepped closer to me, way to close for comfort.

"I'm not nervous." I said, keeping my voice even. "I'm just wondering what you needed to ask me about."

His eyes darkened, and he stepped so close that we were touching. He lifted a hand to my face and traced my cheek bone with his finger. With Stiles, it would have seemed like a romantic gesture, but with Scott it seemed creepy and vaguely threatening.

"Scott?" I asked, hesitantly.

"I can smell it on you." he said quietly, and this time even his voice sounded demonic. "Your fear. Of me. I can smell it." He grabbed my chin forcefully and made me look at him.

"Scott, I know this isn't you, okay? Please let me go." I asked, making sure not to sound like I was begging to much. That was the key to predators, if you ran they would chase.

"How do you know this isn't me?" he asked lowly. He took a deep breath and tightened his hold on my jaw to an almost painful level. "What's going on with you and Chase?" he asked.

"What?" I replied, completely confused.

"I said." he said, his voice threatning. "What is going on with you. And. Chase."

"N-Nothing." I stammered. "We're not even really friends. He just knows my brother." I told him honestly.

"Good." he replied, then quickly backed away and walked out the door. I was left in the classroom alone trying to catch my breath.

What the hell had just happened?

I wasn't sure of too much anymore, but I was positive that today Scott seemed more violent than ever. And tonight would only be worse.

I collected myself before walking out to the lacrosse fields. I sat down on the top bleacher, as far away from the player's bench as possible. I didn't want to see Scott right now.

I watched unseeingly as practice went on. People threw the ball, other people caught it, some people scored. It was uneventful. I let my thoughts wander.

I was really starting to worry about Derek. I hadn't gotten any sign of life from him at all, and I was supposed to know about his livelihood. I was beginning to think that he was either dead or had skipped town.

My eyes and thoughts snapped into focus as Scott rushed down the field, knocking over two players and checking one in the face. The two he knocked over simply fell, but the last one was out cold on the field. I rushed down to the field as I heard coach calling for a nurse.

"I know first aid!" I told him as I got closer. I could see the relief come over his face as he nodded.

"Alright, out of the way, we've got help coming through. Make a hole people. I said 'move' , Greenberg!" he shouted at the players gathered around as I made my way over. As I got closer, I recognized him as Danny, the really funny guy that I had talked to at the party all of those nights ago.

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