Chapter 27- Drifting

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The stick came at me again for the millionth time, but this time I was ready. I threw my arm out and blocked it, and felt a bruise start forming immediately in the proccess. The force of my hit sent Carly spinning back, and she fell on her butt.

"You hit it." she said incredulously as I cradled my forearm in my hand.

"I almost wish I didn't" I said through clenched teeth. My arm, along with most of my body, was now throbbing with pain. I was going to have to wear full body suits from now on so people didn't think my family was beating me.

Carly had decided to start 'training' me this afternoon. This had started with teaching me some more about our history, all things Stiles had already found out, and had ended with me being beat to the pulp with sticks that were supposed to mimick swords. I didn't know who even used swords these days, but I doubted that I wanted to find out.

"Shouldn't you be teaching me how to use a knife or something? Or having me run a few miles? I don't think beating me up is going to help me defend myself." I complained. She got up and brushed leaves off of herself before addressing me.

"No, you need to learn how to defend yourself before you learn how to attack. That's what will save your life." she told me, and then smirked. "As for the running, we'll get there." she said, and I groaned. "But for now, we're going to try that energy thing."

I nodded, already feeling tired. I followed her as she walked further into the woods. We had come out here so that we didn't concern any of my neighbors by practicing in the backyard. Besides, there was clearly a lot of nature to pick from out here.

I followed Carly down to a small stream that twisted through the woods. She knelt down beside it and seemed to analyze every water molecule before looking at me.

"Get in." she said. I gaped at her.

"Excuse me?" I said incredulously. "It's freezing out here, if you hadn't noticed. I wasn't really planning on going for a swim." I snapped.

She rolled her eyes at me. "Do you want to be stronger or not?' she asked. I pouted at her before taking my gloves off and kneeling down next to her.

"i'll put my hands in." I compromised. "But that's it."

"Fine." she said with a shrug.

I slipped my hands slowly under the water, gasping at the temperature. Like I had guessed, the water was painfully cold. I tried to concentrate on soaking energy frmo it or something rather than the pain that was coming from my hands.

After a few minutes I let out a breath. "Nothing's happening, Carly." I complained.

"That's because you're not concentrating." she said. "Think of contacting your old self instead of trying to figure it out on your own." I huffed in annoyance before closing my eyes and trying to summon my favorite ancestor.

How do I do this? I thought to no one in particular.

"Imagine the stream like it's light; like you can see the energy." I heard a more modern version of Maebh's voice reply. "Then imagine absorbing it. Like it's going up through your fingers and you can see it in your veins."

I tried what she said. I imagined that the stream was a long stream of glowing blue light. I pictured it moving up through my hands and into my veins. At first, I didn't feel anything. But then I felt this cold feeling running through my body. It wasn't like the cold of the water, but rather a cool feeling like a burst of adrenaline.

"It's working." I whispered. I tried to say it louder so that Carly could hear, but a loud crashing noise came from behind me. My eyes flew open and I spun around. There, just a few feet away, was the alpha. It stood on all fours staring at Carly and I menacingly.

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