Chapter 34- The House in The Woods

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Oh my God. What happened to her?

I found her unconscious on the lacrosse field. Luckily, she hadn’t been attacked 

What do you mean ‘luckily’?

We found Lydia….

Oh no.

I was too tired to really make sense of the voices I was hearing. Slowly, I could feel myself coming back into my own body. I was aware that I was being carried, and whoever it was was moving. I could feel the heat of their body radiating off of them in contrast with the cold air that was assaulting the rest of my skin. I frowned and tried to curl myself closer to the warmth with a sigh.

“I think she’s waking up.” Chase said, and I could hear my mother breathe out a sigh of relief.

“Put her on the couch.” My mother said quickly, and I could hear and feel their footsteps as Chase carried me through my house. 

I felt the blessed surface of my couch meeting my back as Chase set me down. A few seconds later I felt a blanket being draped over top of me, and curled into it, getting comfortable. I took a deep breath and slowly peeled my eyes open. Chase knelt down until he was eye level with me and gave me a wary smile. 

"Hey, how are you feeling?" he asked gently. 

"Like a ray of sunshine." I grumbled as my head pounded. I was exhausted, but I knew I couldn't lay around any longer. I had to find Stiles and Scott. 

"Mom? What's going on?" I heard Shea saying from the other room. As his footsteps came closer, I waited for the inevitable screaming match and/or interregation. 

"What's wrong with May?" he questioned. "Chase, what the fuck did you do to my babysister?" he said angrily, shoving Chase out of the way and kneeling in front of me. "Hey, don't worry," he told me reassuringly, "I'll break every bone in his body, starting with one in particular." 

I couldn't help the small smile that formed on my face. "Chase didn't do anything wrong, Shea. I just fainted." I told him quietly. 

"Well, I don't think that's all-" Chase started, but I shut him up with a glare that could probably kill someone. I wasn't ready to try and explain all of this just yet. Thankfully, my mom came back to save the day. 

"Chase, thank you co much for bringing her home, but I think you should go now. She clearly needs to rest. I'll have Shea keep you updated on her." she said politely, as she lead him from the room. 

"If you need anything, let me know Mrs. Clery." he said, and I could hear him sigh before he left the house. I felt bad for ruining the dance for him and for lying to him all night, but I couldn't help it. It was for his own good. 

I sat up slowly and cringed at my aching muscles. Shea gave me a disapproving look as I forced myself to stand. 

"Maebh, what is going on?" he asked, crossig his arms over his chest. 

"I'm going to take a shower." I mumbled, attempting to get away, but failing, as I felt like I was dragging dead children behind me whenever I tried to walk. 

"Maebh, cut the bullshit. You're hurt, and I want to know what's going on right now." Shea said forcefully as he followed behind me. 

"I fainted, it's really no big deal. I was just tired from the dance and it took over me. Now, I'm going to shower, please just let me have some space." I told him, letting some annoyance leak into my voice so that he woudl get the message. If I thoguht lying to Chase was hard, lying to my brother was worse. It was imposssible, because he had been acting more and more like his old, compassionate self lately, and I was being such a bitch about it. All he seemed to do recently was worry about me, and I wish I could at least be honest with him, but it wouldn't make him worry any less. 

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