Chapter 8- Don't Hate the Player, Hate the Game

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I could hear the incessant sound of terrible rap music blaring out of my phone. Tyler had changed my ringtone to 2chainzz's "I'm Different" the other day to make my life a living hell. I groaned as I tried to wake myself up enough to answer the phone. I slipped my hand out from underneath the covers and slammed it around until I found my phone on my dresser. I quickly slid the lock to answer it and pulled my phone to my ear. 

"Maebh!" I heard Stiles shout, panicked. 

I groaned again. "Stiles, I know we're friends and all, but if you wake me up on a weekend one more time I swear I will fucking killing you." I growled. 

"Clearly not a morning person. Noted." I heard him say on the other end. "You do know it's almost 2:30 right?" he told me. 

"No, I was not aware of the time. Thank you for informing me. The knowledge has clearly changed my mood and the fact that I just woke up." I said, sighing in frustration. "I was a little tired after last night, if you could understand that." I told him. 

After we had found the body last night, Stiles had called his dad and most of the police squad showed up to block off the area. I had to go through at least an hour of questioning at the scene before Stiles drove me home where I received another hour of questioning from my mother. After apologizing my way out of a life sentence of grounding, I was so tired that went straight to bed. Something that I was regretting now, because I was so hungry that my stomach hurt. It growled loudly, and I was almost positive that Stiles could hear it. 

"Holy shit, May." he said, confirming my suspicions. "Is Scott in your room? Because that sounded like him." he said. 

I laughed at how serious he sounded. "No, that was just my stomach." I told him. 

"So you haven't seen Scott?" he asked, worried. 

"No, why?" I asked. 

"Well, we were visiting the crime scene this morning," he started, and cut me off before I could scold him, "And afterwards we were driving and he had a meltdown in my car because I still had the wolfsbane in my backpack. I threw it out of the car, but when I turned back he had already shifted and was gone. And now I can't find him. And I'm freaking out Maebh. Freaking out." he said, panicking. 

"I can hear that." I said. "Look, let me eat and then I'll call you back. We'll figure out what to do then. But for now, calm down alright?" I told him. 

I heard him take a deep breath. "Ok. Calm. On it. See ya, May." he said, and hung up. 

I got out of bed and shuffled out into the hallway. I could hear everyone down in the kitchen so I made my way down there. 

"Ah, if it isn't the zombie bride herself!" I heard Shea say. I was tempted to tell him to fuck off but I wasn't sure if my mom was down there too, and I didn't need to be in any more trouble than I already was. 

I walked into the kitchen and went straight to the fridge. "Wow," I said, "you're so witty. Ever consider being a comedian?" I asked. He opened his mouth to make a smart ass reply, but I cut him off. "Don't. You'll be homeless within a week." I turned around to set the orange juice on the counter and almost dropped it. Sitting on the stools in front of me was Shea and... Chase!

What was he doing here? Chase laughed and I realized that I was gaping at him. I quickly sat down the juice and shut my mouth. I realized how gross I must look and quickly walked over to one of the cabinets to grab a cup. I poured myself some orange juice and looked at the two of them. 

"What are you guys doing?" I asked nonchalantly. 

"Well, my good friend Chase here came over to hang out. Which should include video games and food, but had been consumed by questions about you for the past hour." Shea said giving me a glare. Was I wrong for not mentioning my encounter with Chase to him? I didn't realize he was friends with him, or that I needed to relay my every move to my older brother. 

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