Chapter 33- Full Circle

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“He Who Fights With Monsters Might Take Care Lest He Thereby Become A Monster.” -Mark Twain


The unease that I was feeling was now palpable. As I walked back into the dance, I made a conscious effort to keep my face even so that I didn’t give myself away, but as soon as Chase looked at me I could tell that he knew. It was all in his face; his eyebrows pulled together and his lips pulled down in a frown. He was worried for me, and I was worried for everyone other than myself.

Could I be wrong about Lydia? Of course. There was a very good chance that she had just walked away and found Jackson and they were doing some not PG-13 rated things somewhere in the school. But at the same time, the was a good chance that she wasn’t. And it was a chance I wasn’t willing to take.

I didn’t want to send Stiles alone to find her, but I knew I had to find Scott. I could only hope that the two would be fine, but my instinct told me otherwise. I tried to calm down, knowing that I always overreacted about everything, but it was difficult. I took a deep breath as I walked over to Chase.

“What’s wrong?” he asked me quietly. Some slutty junior walked up behind him and glared at me, but I just raised my eyebrow at her and she walked away. Excuse you.

“Nothing, just a little bummed we haven’t danced yet.” I lied, and then cringed at how desperate that sounded. Chase tried to hide his smirk, but it didn’t work.

“Well,” he said, “I was trying not to get punched by your boyfriend, but if you insist…” he trailed off with a grin. I rolled my eyes and grabbed his hand. 

 "I don't think he'll care." I said as I pulled him over to the dancefloor. I could look for Scott while we were dancing. When we reached the middle of the dancefloor, I slid my hands around his neck and he put his arms respectfully around my waist. Chase was actually a pretty good dancer and he moved the two of us around the room to a slow song as I searched the room for Scott. Just as the second song, I saw him and Allison slipping out of the side doors and I felt a hint of annoyance bubble inside of me. Of course I was glad that they were happy, but there was so much more at steak at the moment. 

As the song came to a close, I realized how long it had been since Stiles left. I stepped back, looking around the room again. Surely I had just missed him.

"What's wrong?" Chace asked, worried. 

"Nothing." I told him as I looked around. 

"No." he said forcefully. He caught my face in his hands to keep my head from moving and made me look at him. "You've been searching around all night. What's going on?" he said sternly. I could see the worry clearly on his face, along with an even greater frustration. I felt an interal battle within myself with what to tell him. 

"I can't find Stiles." I told him honestly. "I saw him walk off, and with all of the animal attacks recently, I'm just a little worried."  Chase's face softened and he let go of my face as he nodded in understanding. 

"Do you want me to help you look for him?" he asked, and I shook my head no. He seemed confused, but nodded and I walked away. When I got to the doorway, Jackson walked in. I felt my heart stop. 

"Jackson." I said breathlessly, my eyes wide. He looked shaken up and when he looked at me, I saw guilt covering his face. 

"I didn't mean to." he whispered to himself. 

"Jackson." I said, trying to keep from screaming at him. "What did you do?" I asked, hoping my voice was calm. 

"You have to believe me," he started pleadingly, "I didn't know it was them-"

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