Chapter 22- The Morning After

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I could hear my doorknob being jiggled. I groaned and flipped over to my side, already annoyed that whoever it was had woken me up. In my dazed state, I was confused as to why the door was even locked in the first place. 

"Maebh!" I heard a voice shout in a hushed whisper. 

"Deirdre let me sleep." I grumbled, before I realized that the voice hadn't come from my head, but from my room. I sat straight up and realized that I was on the floor, and wondered why until I looked on my bed. The events of the past night came rushing back to me as I saw a not too mobile Derek Hale laying shirtless on my bed. 

"Do something!" he hissed. 

"Maebh, why is this door locked?" I heard my mother question from the hallway. 

"Uh, I was up late watching a movie and I didn't want Shea or Tyler trying to wake me up early." I told her. 

I could hear her huff her disapproval at me, but I couldn't be bothered to care. "Well I'm going to the shop, and I would advise you to get your butt out of bed young lady. And no more locked doors." she scolded before I heard her footsteps retreat down the hallway. I breathed a sigh of relief. 

"Is anyone else home?" I asked Derek, knowing that he could probably figure it out using his werewolf powers. 

He cocked his head, seeming to listen for a minute. "No, she left, and there's no one else here." he replied. 

I stood up and stretched hearing repetitive popping noises as my back cracked. "How do you feel?" I asked, walking over to the side of my bed. 

"Alive." he said. I couldn't tell if that was better or worse than last night, but I would take it. 

"Well, do you want to shower? You can borrow some of Shea's clothes. I have to redress the cut anyways." I offered. 

'That would be great actually." he said, trying to sit up. I heard a quiet 'thank you' and mentally patted myself on the back, knowing that not many people heard that from Derek. 

I helped him stand and keep his balance. He seemed to be wavering a bit. "Are you sure you're going to be able to shower?" I asked him. 

"Yeah, I'll be fine, it was just a head rush." he explained. I nodded and grabbed some towels for him out of the hall closet. I directed him to the bathroom and sat the towels on the sink. "I'll just leave Shea's laundry basket in my room and you can pick out what you need." I told him, walking back out to my room. 

"Won't he be angry?" he asked, but it didn't sound like he cared too much. 

I shrugged. "I don't think he'll notice, but just give them back to me eventually or something. Do you like pancakes?" I asked him. He seemed taken off guard by the question, and gave me a confused look before answering. 

"Yes." he said slowly. 

"Ok, good. I'm making pancakes and bacon while you're in the shower. Don't roam around or anything." I said, and left to get Shea's laundry basket. I brought it upstairs from the laundry room and left it in the middle of my room. I closed my bedroom door as I went down to kitchen to cook breakfast. Truthfully, I was just excited to eat pancakes. They were my go-to comfort food. I finished making the pancakes and bacon and stacked them onto some plates before walking upstairs. When I got to my room, my hands were full, so I struggled to awkwardly knock on the door with my elbow. 

"Come in?" I heard Derek say as more of a question, most likely since it wasn't his room. I struggled some more to get the door open, but Derek opened it from the inside and I came in. He sat back down on my bed and I handed him his plate. He immediately started inhaling the food, and was finished his plate in probably under a minute. 

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