Chapter 13- Surprise, Surprise

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"We live on the cusp of death thinking that it won't be us."


I dropped the knife I was using. 

"What did you just say?" I asked her. 

She looked annoyed. "I said, I'm your cousin. Your father sent me here to find you." she said slowly. 

"I don't know who you think you are," I said angrily, "but my dad left years ago. I'm pretty sure if he wanted to see us, he would have come himself." 

Her face went blank for a moment. "Do even know what you are?" she asked. I felt my anger rise. I had liked this girl a half hour ago but now I wasn't so sure. I opened my mouth to give her a piece of my mind, but my mother walked in. 

"What's going on here?" she asked, noticing our stand off position. 

"I think you know very well, Gabrielle." Carly said harshly, addressing my mother by her first name. 

My mother's reaction surprised me more than anything Carly had told me. She quickly shut her mouth, looking guilty. 

"I was just informing your daughter of her true nature, something that you've failed to do." Carly said, glaring at my mother. "Does Keelan know this?" she hissed. 

"I was waiting for the right time-" my mother said defensively. 

"There is no right or wrong time in this world." Carly snapped. "She should have known from the start. He'll be very disappointed." She looked towards me. "I'm sorry that this is how this situation played out. I'm not nearly this negative." she said giving me a weak smile. Her phone dinged and she looked at the screen beofre looking back at me. "It really was a pleausre. I'm sorry that I'll have to miss your cake, but I have to go." she saig genuinely. "We'll talk again, in a more civilized tone." she said, shooting my mother a look. 

I was too shocked to say much. "Uh, yeah. Bye Carly." I mumbled. She smiled knowingly and went to say goodbye to my cousin. She stopped in the doorway and turned towards my mother. 

"I can understand your reasonings, Mrs. Clery, but I cannot promise that he will." she said quietly before walking to the basement. 

I stared at my mother, looking for answers that she apparently had. 

"What the hell was that?" I screamed at her. "Is there something you would like to tell me?"

"Can we please talk in the morning?" she said, shutting her eyes. She looked exhausted and stressed and scared, but I didn't care. 

"No, we can't!" I shouted back at her, but she just turned and started walking towards the stairs. "Where are you going?" 

"To bed." she snapped. "I'll answer your questions tomorrow, but for now, leave me alone." she said weakly. My mother was a very stubborn person, and I knew that what she said was final. Besides, she looked so wrecked that I wasn't sure a conversation would go very well a the moment. 

Carly, Shea, and Tyler came back upstairs, and I saw Carly and Tyler exchange a quick hug before he walked her to the door. Shea walked over to me. 

"Give me the cake." he said, rubbing his hands together excitedly. 

I looked down to realize that it was only half iced. I iced the rest of it and slid it over to him. 

"Hear, serve the two of you. I'm going to bed." I told him. 

"What? Is something wrong?" he asked, his protective older brother sude coming to the surface. 

"Everything's fine." I assured him. "I'm just tired and we have school tomorrow anyways." and I wasn't lying. after everything that happened today, especially in the past hour, I was exhausted. I dragged myself upstairs.I groaned when I realized how trashed I had left my room. I got ready for bed, and started shoving all of my laundry and books that I had left on my bed to one side. I crawled into the little space I had carved myself and made a mental reminder to clean my room tomorrow. 

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