Chapter 35- No More Losing The War

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I watched the red numbers flash on the screen as the elevator took me up to the correct floor. As it slowly screeched to a halt at level 4, the doors flung open and I looked at the chaos in front of me.

Directly in front of me was one of the hospital rooms with a large window, showcasing the patient inside. Standing in front of the window was a seemingly angry Jackson, with an even more exasperated Chase attempting to soothe him by his side. As I walked towards them, Chase saw me and frowned. I wasn't exactly sure why he would be so pensive, considering I had just gotten here, but he was.

Through the window, I could see Lydia. The blood had been washed away, and she was now sedated on a hospital bed, hooked up to various machines. The sight of her reminded me of what had happened only an hour ago.

Peter had taken me to a creepy- why did I suspect anything less?- parking garage where he proceeded to threaten Maebh and I if I didn't help him find Derek. While this happened, I got to view the dead body of his nurse, whom he killed, and was offered the bite. And for just a second, it was tempting.

Scott has all the powers I've ever wanted; everything I've read about or seen in movies since I was a kid. And my girlfriend is a freaking Celtic goddess reincarnated! What if this was the only way to even the playing field, the only way to defend myself?

But then I remembered something Maebh said to me a while ago, back when we were helping Scott break into that school bus. She reminded me that even as a human I was valuable; that they wouldn't get as far as they do without me. And I realized that I'm okay with that.

So I told Peter no. And everything else is a blurr from there. I vaguely remember Peter leaving but I didn't care enough to really pay attention. I walked all the way to the hospital from there. Which made me wonder...

"Where's Maebh?" I asked the two. Jackson gave a me a guilty look before turning back to the window. Chase looked at me with a frown.

"Didn't you hear?" he asked, and I gave him a blank look. "I took her home." he told me finally.

"Was she alright?" I asked, mildly annoyed. I glanced down the hallway and saw my dad stomping towards me, quick and furious. 

"Well-" Chase started, but he didn't have a chance to finish as my dad grabbed me by the arm and hauled me over to a corner in the waiting room. 

"What the hell  is going on?" My dad hissed when we had moved a considerable distance from the others. It didn't really matter how secluded or secretive we were about this conversation though, I still couldn't tell him the truth. "I've got a girl in there that was found just an inch away from death, and I've got people telling me that my own son was the last person to be with her. Do you have anything to say for yourself?" He asked me, his eyes disbelieving. 

I clenched my jaw. What could I say? I racked my brain for a plausible lie, but there was none. Just the damning evidence that I was the last one with her, and I couldn't say a thing about it. I hated lying to my father, but it was all I seemed to do anymore. He'd heard his fair share of lies; hell, he was a police officer, so you can only imagine the amount of people who have lied to him to get out of their crimes. And even though I had done the same to get out of numerous groundings, I didn't think I would be in the situation to lie to him about a real crime. 

"Stiles!" He shouted, grabbing the front of my shirt. I had forgotten that I still had my dress clothes on from the dance. 

"I don't know." I said begrudgingly. 

"That's all you have to say?" he asked, exasperated. "'I don't know'?"  The anger is his eyes returned, but I could also see a hint of desperation. He was as desperate to understand what was going on as he was to protect his only son from being an acessory to a crime. 

"Yeah." I told him noncommitally. "I don't know." I said, and shrug out of his grasp and walking away. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see his shoulders slump in defeat, but I tried not to think about it.

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