Chapter 3- #laxbro420

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A/N Uh there's some language coming up in this chapter in case you're worried about that kind of thing. 


"Fuck off!" I yelled at the shiny silver Porsche blaring its horn at me as I navigated my way around the school parking lot. 

"That's Jackson Whitmore, the lacrosse captain." Tyler said in awe. It was as if he had just seen a celebrity. I watched as this Jackson kid pulled into the parking spot I wanted and continued to whack some brown haired kid in the ass with his fancy car door. He even had the nerve to yell at the kid for it afterwards. What a d-bag!

I pulled into the next parking spot I saw and turned to my cousin. "Look you can play like Jackson, but don't play like him, you know what I mean? Don't be that kid." 

Tyler nodded and hopped out of the car. I opened the door to the trunk so he could grab his lacrosse stuff as I looked around the campus. It was big, but it looked like any other typical high school. Ty finished grabbing his stuff and we started walking in. 

"So...any advice?" I asked my cousin, trying not to let my nerves show. I wasn't too nervous, but I was a little worried that I would be eating lunch alone today. 

"Are you kidding me? I'm the freshmen, you're supposed to be giving me advice!" he said with a smile as he shook his head. I rolled my eyes. 

"Just don't try to talk to any of the upper classmen. If it's anything like my old school as long as you don't try to infringe upon their elite 'experienced' status, you should be fine. Oh, and hugs not drugs." I said as we walked up the front walk to the school. 

Tyler laughed and then seemed to spot something in front of us. I turned my gaze to where he was looking and noticed the kid Jackson hit with his car door earlier talking to another boy. He was pale with brown hair cute in a buzz cut, and definitely really cute. We approached them at the end of a conversation. 

"I'm a nerd by association..." I heard him scolding his friend sarcastically. 

"Stiles!" Tyler shouted and the two boys turned around. 

"Ty? Is that you? Nice to see you man!" the cute boy, Stiles, replied. "I heard you ran into my dad last night."

Tyler blushed slightly but played it cool. "Yeah I was dragging my cousin out on a late night food run." he said motioning to me. "This is my cousin, Maebh. She's in your grade." The two boys seemed to notice me then.

"Ahh, the infamous Maebh. I've heard a lot about you." Stiles replied, holding out his hand. We shook and he pointed to the brown haired boy. "This is my amazing friend Scott." he said with some sarcasm, and we shook hands. "He and I would love to show you around today. Scott has a vast knowledge about our wondrous state of California."

Scott rolled his eyes."I swear it was a wolf, Stiles. I know what I heard." he mumbled, slightly irritated. 

"A wolf?" I questioned. "Is that why you're dad was out last night?"

The two looked at each other. Suddenly a warning bell sounded over the loud speaker. Shit! I still needed to get my schedule. 

"Oh crap! Sorry May, I have to go! I told my friend Tom I'd meet up with him before homeroom. See you after school!" Tyler shouted as he rushed into the building. 

"Yeah Stiles, I'm gonna stop at my locker before class. Catch you later." Scott mumbled before waving to each of us and walking off. 

"Well, great friends." Stiles said. "Do you want me to show you to the office?" he asked. 

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