Chapter 9- Bloody Hell

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I heard one of the loudest screams I'd ever heard in my life. It took a second to realize it had been coming from me. 

I was running through the woods, but not the woods in Beacon Hills. This wood was filled with large exotic trees, with large roots that threaded themselves accross the ground. I was running so fast that most of the trees swept by me in a blur. The speed was...inhuman. 

I heard someone run up beside me. I looked over to see Deirdre matching my pace, her flaming hair whipping out behind her because of the speed. She galnced behind her before looking at me. 

"We cannot outrun them." she told me gravely, slowing down. I stopped next to her. "You must fight, you must be a warrior."

"But Deirdre," I said, even though I hadn't meant to say it. It was as if someone was talking for me. "I cannot. I am not trained." I said, scared. I realized I must be living a memory of some sort. Even letting myself think that this could be a memory made me question my sanity, but I'd lived through so much in the past week that it no longer seemed impossible. 

"You will know, Maebh." she told me. "Follow your instincts and the fight will follow." I nodded my head and turned to face the attackers. 

I could hear their feet crashing closer to us, so I crouched into fighting position. I saw Deirdre do the same. 

"Here." she said, and tossed me a blade. I caught it on the hilt. "You will need this." she said. I watched as she cut a slit in the side of her dress. I did the same, realizing it would help me move better. 

I looked up to see 6 pairs of glowing eyes just a few feet from us. One was red, while the rest were a vibrant blue. I heard low growls radiate from the group and I felt a sliver of fear snake its way into my heart. I had to trust that past me knew what I was doing. 

I saw the wolf with red eyes lunge towards me in slow motion. I took a deep breath, allowing my instincts to take over my body. I felt my arms move at their own accord, as I raised my sword. It sliced through the air as the wolf ducked out of the way, and came in contact with a man wearing heavy armor. The sword sliced deeply into his shoulder and stuck there. Then man dropped to his knees in front of me. I felt the wolf standing behind me, watching. I didn't feel threatened by the large animal. The hunter looked up and into my eyes. I was shocked at what I saw. 

The man looked almost exactly like Mr. Argent, who I had seen at the game last Saturday. I looked into his eyes and saw only hate and bloodlust. 

"I believe it is a bit late for you to be out in the woods." I said harshly. "Hunter." 

I sliced my sword further down into his shoulder, and his scream echoed in my ears as I was ripped out of my dream. 


I  woke up with my ears ringing. I could still hear that man screaming and it made a shiver run down my spine. That dream, that memory, was just too close to reality for my liking. The man had looked identical to Mr. Argent, aside from the medeival clothes and the hate filled eyes. I shook my head and glanced over at my clock. My dear, sweet alarm clock had decided not to go off, and I was going to be so late!

I walked down the hall to Tyler's room to tell him the bad news, but he wasn't there. I texted him to ask him where he was, and he replied that he had hitched a ride with Shea because I didn't get up in time. Feeling the love. 

I shrugged. Since I was already clearly going to be late for school, I decided not to rush myself. I got ready at my regular pace, just throwing on some leggings and a sweatshirt with my Vans. I decided to go with something more comfortable because I could already tell it was going to be a shitty day. I walked downstairs and actually sat at the kitchen table while I was eating my cereal. I loved the calm feeling I got when I actually got to take my time in the morning. When I finished, I put my bowl in the dishwasher and looked at the clock on the stove. I froze when I saw the time. 

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